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Was i right to call his all-in?


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Ive been meaning to post this up for a while now - it is the hand that knocked me out of the Loose Cannon Club freefroll..... 200 entrants, about 4 tables of 9 or 10 people left. Blinds 800/1600 plus 100 antes. I had about 15,000 chips and was 3rd biggest stack on my table with Michael Greco biggest. I am in middle position. I am dealt Jh 10h 4 limpers, including me Flop comes out Kh, Qc, 4h Greco goes all-in, the others fold, leaving me to make a decision. Calling would put me all in too. I am putting him on 2 pair or a single pair of k's/q's. I decide to call, figuring that I have lots of straight and flush opportunities and a win would see me double up, made chip leader at my particular table and probably push me into the top 10 overall. Anyway, none of my cards hit and Greco showed AKo and won with a pair of K's. Was I right to call here? I think i'd do the same again but I havent been playing long and would appreciate an opinion or 2. Thank you guys :ok

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Re: Was i right to call his all-in? Easy call, I think. I make it that including the antes there must have been over 7000 in the pot before the flop? So you're getting odds of around 3-to-2, and you're not going to be much of an underdog unless he has specifically Ah Qh (in fact, with the cards he had, you're a slight favourite).

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Re: Was i right to call his all-in? I agree you should call with that flop, can`t throw away a straight and a flush draw on flop. But I think you made a mistake calling with the hand preflop. Best option was to fold I think. Second best raise all-in preflop. This might seem aggresive, but it is unusual that somebody just limp in with a big pair when there is already other limpers, so most of the time you will either steal the pot, or you will most likely only get one caller, and then all the dead money from the limpers that fold to your all-in will compensate for you beeing behind to an overcard or two. But calling with suited connectors with a stack of 9 BB thats a mistake in my opinion.

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Re: Was i right to call his all-in? few questipons first! whats the payout structure? do you want to limp into the money or go for final table? do you feel you are a better player than most of the table? do you feel you are a poorer player than most of the table? are you comfortable shoving worse hands later? how short are other stacks on your table? Ta Damo

Ive been meaning to post this up for a while now - it is the hand that knocked me out of the Loose Cannon Club freefroll..... 200 entrants, about 4 tables of 9 or 10 people left. Blinds 800/1600 plus 100 antes. I had about 15,000 chips and was 3rd biggest stack on my table with Michael Greco biggest. I am in middle position. I am dealt Jh 10h 4 limpers, including me Flop comes out Kh, Qc, 4h Greco goes all-in, the others fold, leaving me to make a decision. Calling would put me all in too. I am putting him on 2 pair or a single pair of k's/q's. I decide to call, figuring that I have lots of straight and flush opportunities and a win would see me double up, made chip leader at my particular table and probably push me into the top 10 overall. Anyway, none of my cards hit and Greco showed AKo and won with a pair of K's. Was I right to call here? I think i'd do the same again but I havent been playing long and would appreciate an opinion or 2. Thank you guys :ok
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