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was i wrong????


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i got called a muppet for this play,,,,:loon right or wrong seriously? ** Dealing card to teaulcsg1: 9 of Diamonds, 10 of Diamonds Bleeding folded mulian folded rely2000 folded hotster folded Dutze folded mobmob folded n1g4tstalker folded shqipe07 raised - $400.00 lunabeer22 folded teaulcsg1 called - $400.00 ** Dealing the flop: 9 of Clubs, 7 of Hearts, 2 of Diamonds teaulcsg1 bet - $212.50 shqipe07 raised - $425.00 teaulcsg1 called - $425.00 ** Dealing the turn: 7 of Spades teaulcsg1 bet - $100.00 shqipe07 raised - $2000.00 teaulcsg1 went all-in - $5945.00 shqipe07 called - $6045.00 shqipe07 shows: 3 of Spades, 3 of Clubs ** Dealing the river: 10 of Hearts teaulcsg1 wins $13790.00 from the main pot End of game 1211485333

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Re: was i wrong???? I wouldn't lose any sleep over this fella although it is difficult to follow it completely without position and relative stack sizes to the blinds. Doesn't seem to be anythin out of the ordinary and if I had to pick a muppet it would be the fella calling an all-in with pocket 3s. What was he beating other than a bluff? From the $14k pot I am assuming it wasn't a cash game :lol

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Re: was i wrong???? should have said this was the bet365 freeroll,where anything goes :loon ** Game ID 1211485333 starting - 2007-02-17 20:49:01 ** $5,000 Freeroll[716434]:Table 445 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (100.00|200.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - rely2000 sitting in seat 1 with $5388.39 - hotster sitting in seat 2 with $3913.66 - Dutze sitting in seat 3 with $150.12 - mobmob sitting in seat 4 with $975.00 - n1g4tstalker sitting in seat 5 with $945.00 - shqipe07 sitting in seat 6 with $13131.00 [Dealer] - lunabeer22 sitting in seat 7 with $4519.54 - teaulcsg1 sitting in seat 8 with $6770.00 - Bleeding sitting in seat 9 with $840.00 - mulian sitting in seat 10 with $900.00 lunabeer22 posted the small blind - $50.00 teaulcsg1 posted the big blind - $100.00 ** Dealing card to teaulcsg1: 9 of Diamonds, 10 of Diamonds Bleeding folded mulian folded rely2000 folded hotster folded Dutze folded mobmob folded n1g4tstalker folded shqipe07 raised - $400.00 lunabeer22 folded teaulcsg1 called - $400.00 ** Dealing the flop: 9 of Clubs, 7 of Hearts, 2 of Diamonds teaulcsg1 bet - $212.50 shqipe07 raised - $425.00 teaulcsg1 called - $425.00 ** Dealing the turn: 7 of Spades teaulcsg1 bet - $100.00 shqipe07 raised - $2000.00 teaulcsg1 went all-in - $5945.00 shqipe07 called - $6045.00 shqipe07 shows: 3 of Spades, 3 of Clubs ** Dealing the river: 10 of Hearts teaulcsg1 wins $13790.00 from the main pot End of game 1211485333 [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] ** G

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Re: was i wrong???? I'm starting to understand the value of limping a suited connector, but calling a 4 x BB raise with everyone else folded to you I think is wrong. You must put him on a pocket pair and yourself behind. I think something like 9 10 suited, works best in a flop with a lot of callers where if you hit a monster you have the chance to make a lot of chips. but once you made top pair on the flop, you bet hard and took him down. Well done

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Re: was i wrong???? Just seen the full HH in post 5 :ok Have to be honest, I don't like the play at all ..... He's on the Button, you're on the BB - he could be stealing. a flat call for a significant proportion of your stack, out of position I dont really like. I dont think you should be limping here for the value of suited connectors ...... if you want to make a stand, then reraise significantly, but more likely, let it go pre flop - wait for an opportunity when you're in postition........ Post turn, I think your bet of $212 is too small, into a pot of $850 means he would be right to call you with any part of the flop or any draw ...... when he raises you, what do you put him on? Your top pair mid kicker is VERY vulnerable, and you've not asked him a serious question!! If you still think you're ahead, then you need to be reraising him a lot!!!! And I'm sorry - what on earth is your bet of $100 on the turn into a pot of $1800?? ANYTHING he called on the flop, he will be playing with now - that bet has no fold equity!!! When he comes over the top of you, I'm extremely worried and probably lay down my hand as I struggle to see what he has that I'm beating!! In the event, your weak bets are what have suckered him in when behind, and that is what has got you paid off with a relatively weak holding...... Of course, your play could probably be justified with specific readings you have on that opponent, but overall, from the info here, I dont like it - I feel you called when you should be folding or raising and your bets when you made them were generally too weak for you to have asked questions of your opponent and know where you were..... At the end of the day, you both risked a massive pot with weak hands!!! (but fortunately his was weaker than yours!!!!)

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Re: was i wrong???? tbh i had the feeling he was bluffing,you must get that feeling every now and then when your in the zone and you know exactly how he is gonna play,i did think at best he had the 2 to give him two pair,not once did i think he had any higher,so from the off i was sure i had this,and when he bet all in i knew i had him...but the abuse after was comical,he didnt like it one bit that i had called his bluff:lol , with regards to connectors i like to play the mid to high because they hit so often,

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Re: was i wrong???? If you thought he was bluffing, then you had to reraise to ensure he didn't outdraw you, but flat calling is a poor choice in my view..... IMO the abuse people dish out on Poker tables is ridiculous, unnecessary and generally highlights a poor player who doesn't understand the nature of the game!!

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Re: was i wrong???? don't mind the PF call really - take your chances now and again etc but the post flop paly is poor - ditto everything GaF said - bets too small and you not knowing where you are at any point really so good for PF :ok bad for post flop :( but nice pot in the end! :clap Damo

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