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Who's good with odds


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Anyone anygood at working odds out? I was in a tourny last week on full tilt and I had 22 hands delt on the spin without a picture card or ace. The next tourny I had 20 and the next tourney after that 24 hands with no picture cards or aces in them. Can someone tell me the odds of those 3 games please? ps there were no pocket pairs in any sequence either.

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Re: Who's good with odds The odds of being dealt no ace or picture card on any given hand are about 47.5%. The odds of it happening on a particular run of 22 hands is about one in 13 million. Of course, there are many runs of 22 hands in a tournament, so the odds of it happening at some time in a tournament will be rather bigger, but it's still very unlikely. Are you sure you might not have missed a few? If there were two or three hands in the run where you did get a picture card, that would make a large difference to the odds. Can you get hold of the hand records to double check?

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Re: Who's good with odds

If my maths is right' date=' then the chances of going 86 consecutive hands without a picture or Ace (I'll ignore the pocket pairs) are 0.00000000000000000005% - in other words - effectively impossible!!!![/quote'] I don't think he was saying that. I interpreted what he said as being that, at some point in the three tournaments, he had runs of 22, 20 and 24 hands, which takes several zeroes out of your figure. Still extremely unlikely, though.
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Re: Who's good with odds

Sorry you misunderstood me. Not 86 hands consecutive. Each respective string of hands happened seperately in each tourny. I want the odds for each tourny. Then the odds of having 3 bad runs as described. Thanks
It depends how many hands you played in each tournament, of course, but if you played 200 hands in each tournament, then a run of 20/22/24 such hands is in the ballpark of 1 in 100,000 for each tournament.
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Re: Who's good with odds

Anyone anygood at working odds out? I was in a tourny last week on full tilt and I had 22 hands delt on the spin without a picture card or ace. The next tourny I had 20 and the next tourney after that 24 hands with no picture cards or aces in them. Can someone tell me the odds of those 3 games please? ps there were no pocket pairs in any sequence either.
This sounds like my last 3 efforts on the Paradise League!!:lol:lol:lol I would need to see the hand history of all 66 hands before I could believe this has happened - it's very easy to retrieve and would put all us doubters minds at rest!! :ok TQM
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Re: Who's good with odds

how do I get my hand history on here guys?
By default, I think Full Tilt hand histories are stored on your computer for 30 days as text files (at least, that's what happens with mine, and I don't think I've changed any options). If you go to "Options" and then "Hand histories" you can find them. The full hand histories will be rather long, but if you like, you could email them to me and I can edit them to show just the cards you were dealt and then post them here. It would only take me a couple of minutes, and I think (or hope!) that people on here would trust me not to fix them. I don't think you can send/receive PMs yet, so if you'd like me to do this, post here and I'll send my email address to the address you used to register with Punters Lounge (don't really want to post it in a public forum). .
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