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Limit tournaments


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In limit tournaments (including stud, HORSE, etc., etc.), when I get short stacked, I tend just to wait for a promising hand and keep betting. If I don't hit anything, I end up betting on later streets with rubbish, but the pot odds are so big and the stack I'd be left with if I folded is so miserable that I don't seem to have much choice. I have some idea how to use my fold equity when I'm short stacked in no-limit tournaments, but I'm really not sure I have the right idea at limit. Is there a better way, or is this just the way it is?

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Re: Limit tournaments

Great question :ok
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Its a horrible one and it has done my head in!!! The conclusion I've come to is that 'fold equity' has as much place in limit games as 'implied ods', which to me is none. I may/will be wrong here no doubt but in any limit hand the most bets you can make is 18 times the blind. 3 bettting the pre flop 3 betting the flop (ante's double on the turn?) 3 betting the turn (which is equal to 6 blinds) 3 betting the river (which is equal to 6 blinds) Total 18 bets. When playing limit I feel that starting hand requirements can be lower as you know in advance what it will cost you to fish, and it can be profitable playing mid suited connectors against stronger NL hands such as AK, because a NL player will fall in love with their flopped pair and 3 bet to the river regardless. I also think that the winning hand in limit needs to be stronger than in NLHE. I don't know if I'm talking rubbish but thats how I like to play limit. Anyway, with that in mind I think a short stack in limit should only cap their betting when they have a hand, not a prmoise of a hand. I made that mistake in the stud game when I was quite short and was dealt 3 clubs K-high. I should have dropped on 4th when I missed, but I called for one more which gave me a possible str8, then on 6th I got the Q of clubs. On 7th I hit another Q and called into JJ's flush. After that I had 2 hidden and half hidden pairs when I was very short stacked and managed to build it back up again slightly before busting out.
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Re: Limit tournaments It's how I went out in the focus stud game yesterday, Was shortstacked and had a pair of hidden 10's. As blinds are getting bigger, pots seemed to be generally heads up (not sure if this is always the case, not played much poker variants tournament poker) I did have one hand where i'd got four low cards, and needed (say a 5) for a gutshot. I was pretty sure the bettor had a high pair, what pot odds should I have been considering for a call on 5th street ?

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