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I'm working on a business plan. Here are some of my preliminary ideas: * In all-in confrontations, the better starting hand wins about 25% more often than it ought to, weighted so that no individual player has more than one "bad beat" per hour. * No runner-runner straights or flushes except on hands with a very small number of chips at stake. * No more than two players per hand to have big pairs or AK. * No quads, ever! * If anybody goes all in with K7 or worse and gets called by a premium hand, they never win. Does anybody have an email address for Dragons Den?

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Re: UnfixedPoker.com oh yeah, one more thing. When you all in preflop with AA you should always win. I got AA preflop last night in a $10 STT 5 players left, UTG goes all in, so I call with AA, big blind goes all in as well. first guy has QQ, last guy has J9 suited. The guy with QQ makes a full house and takes all my chips, despite me having AA !!!! Online poker is so fixed, this hand must be evidence for anyone that doubts it.

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Re: UnfixedPoker.com

I'm working on a business plan. Here are some of my preliminary ideas: * In all-in confrontations, the better starting hand wins about 25% more often than it ought to, weighted so that no individual player has more than one "bad beat" per hour. * No runner-runner straights or flushes except on hands with a very small number of chips at stake. * No more than two players per hand to have big pairs or AK. * No quads, ever! * If anybody goes all in with K7 or worse and gets called by a premium hand, they never win. Does anybody have an email address for Dragons Den?
That site sounds horrible and I wouldn't play there. Mind you Slapdash, if you are truly in favour of best on papaer winning then UEFA could use you in revamping the Champions League. Saying that, I really think there are 3 errors in the rules of Poker that I can think of right now.
  1. 1 suited hole card and 4 on the board of the same suit making a flush. It just seems wrong.
  2. I think a straight should rank higher than a flush. Statistically isn;t a flush more likely to happen than a straight?
  3. It amuses me when someone with 55 plays a hand against someone with A2, and on a board of 10 10 7 7 3 the Ace rag wins. It amuses me but I still feel that its wrong.

I can live with it though, just an observation. :ok

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Re: UnfixedPoker.com

That site sounds horrible and I wouldn't play there. Mind you Slapdash, if you are truly in favour of best on papaer winning then UEFA could use you in revamping the Champions League.
It was meant to be a joke. :$
I think a straight should rank higher than a flush. Statistically isn;t a flush more likely to happen than a straight?
If you deal out five cards, then a straight is about two and a half times as likely as a flush. In holdem, you may see more flushes than straights at the showdown just because people are more likely to stay in with a flush draw. In Omaha, I'd guess that "card high" is less likely than "one pair", assuming that you play to the river. Do you think that one pair should be the lowest hand in Omaha? [if that's not true in Omaha, make it 6-card Omaha.]
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Re: UnfixedPoker.com

It was meant to be a joke. :$
The first time we played and my sisters Boyfriend played he didnt agree with the rules and wanted to change them. (I said I would ask vegas) and yes he went onto argue his fact for ages, even after I took all his chips
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Re: UnfixedPoker.com

I'm working on a business plan. Here are some of my preliminary ideas: * If anybody goes all in with K7 or worse and gets called by a premium hand, they never win. Does anybody have an email address for Dragons Den?
I liked it up til this part!! :rollin
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