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the biggest pot I have ever lost


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feel much better now - nice to lose a massive pot - have nothing more to fear :ok Damo Game #1841949795 - (blinds $1/$2) No Limit Texas Hold'em - 2007/01/23-15:41:20.3 (CST) Table "Luta (5 max)" (real money) -- Seat 4 is the button Seat 1: Cassius C ($228.15 in chips) Seat 3: popdyr1 ($41.60 in chips) Seat 4: harfisk ($194.00 in chips) Seat 5: damoPL ($249.65 in chips) damoPL : Post Small Blind ($1) Cassius C: Post Big Blind ($2) Dealt to damoPL [ Ah ] Dealt to damoPL [ 9c ] popdyr1 : Call ($2) harfisk : Call ($2) damoPL : Raise ($11) Cassius C: Call ($10) popdyr1 : Raise ($39.60) harfisk : Fold damoPL : Raise ($65) Cassius C: Call ($65) *** FLOP *** : [ Qd As 9s ] damoPL : Bet ($172.65) Cassius C: Call All-in ($151.15) *** TURN *** : [ Qd As 9s ] [ 9h ] *** RIVER *** : [ Qd As 9s 9h ] [ Qc ] *** SUMMARY *** Pot: $124.80 | Side pot 1: $373.10 | Rake: $2 Board: [ Qd As 9s 9h Qc ] Cassius C bet $228.15, collected $497.90, net +$269.75 (showed hand) [ Qs Qh ] (four of a kind, queens) popdyr1 lost $41.60 (showed hand) [ 8d 3s ] (two pair, queens and nines) harfisk lost $2 (folded) damoPL bet $249.65, collected $21.50, net -$228.15 (showed hand) [ Ah 9c ] (a full house, nines full of aces)

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Re: the biggest pot I have ever lost Its a bit of money but in terems of BB it`s nothing? you lost 1,1 max-buy-in (114 BB). I have tried to sit at a table for several hours and build my stack up to 3-4-5 max buy-ins. Just to lose it all on one hand to another bigstack at the table.

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Re: the biggest pot I have ever lost Must have hurt in cash terms. From a poker strategy point of view though it hard to feel sympathy though. Your reraise of 30 x BB to $65 with A9 off suit preflop seems crazy to me. The guy raised to $39.60. You must put yourself behind to a pocket pair or at the very least AK which has you dominated. I guess you are representing AA or similar here. Flop was one of those false friends that I hate; you make two pair and push, only to find yourself facing trips and well behind. Let's be honest the guy deserved the pot, if you'd beaten him it would have been an appaling bad beat for him.

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Re: the biggest pot I have ever lost Bloody Hell - sorry Damo but agree with AJ, you've had a caller and a Re-Raise ?!? and still put in another Pot Sized Raise. What had they been playing like before ?? -I presume the Short Stack had been drinking heavily to go allin with 8D 3S Although Nasty Nasty flop ....

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Re: the biggest pot I have ever lost I guess without the context of the play its hard to fathom the shove was from a muppet (popdyr) - he had been shoving everything 83, 104 etc etc etc every hand - and I mean every hand he kept rebuying for $40/$50 and we were all taking turns to bust him - he cracked my QQ with 83o about 2/3 hands previously when he hit 8 3 turn river after he shoved my 'continuation' bet on the flop...... so I doubled him up to about $100 and he had lost $60 in 2 hands? he is an absolute womble, or was completely pissed thats why I raised PF and then reraised to isolate him - I have to believe I am ahead of popdyr1 usual starting hands and want to get rid of the other chap please:hope so I get the call - can I lay that flop down? there is is $160 or so in the pot at this point I have have 2 pair and about $160 left or so I ain't worried about the bad beat or the loss really - what I am pleased with, is that I can actually shove $200 into a pot and not be scared anymore (yes I know this sounds sick) - grinding at betfair for 5c/10c has really helped my cash game, I understand BR management and patience and table reading and picking my spots now (okay in this spot I was behind all the way!:lol ) - and since going back to play higher buy-ins at paradise on cash tables a couple of weeks ago, I am showing a profit for january and I have never shown a profit in cash games ever - I am (generally) shite at cash but am getting better (slowly) its only taken me 3 years to figure out cash games..... :lol :lol I do feel really good about this hand - as I said, I did not fear getting my cash in the middle at any point - this is a major step forward for me, I cannot be concerned and fearful about the cash and the stakes I am playing at as fear leads to hate and hate leads to errrr..... I mean fear leads to poor play as I play tight and scared and lose pots I should be winning which have cost me more money in the past that this particular hand did Thanks all for the comments - much appreciated :ok Damo ps anyway I just went outside and enjoyed the snow with my daughter - the first time she had seen it, kinda puts everything in perspective :ok

Must have hurt in cash terms. From a poker strategy point of view though it hard to feel sympathy though. Your reraise of 30 x BB to $65 with A9 off suit preflop seems crazy to me. The guy raised to $39.60. You must put yourself behind to a pocket pair or at the very least AK which has you dominated. I guess you are representing AA or similar here. Flop was one of those false friends that I hate; you make two pair and push, only to find yourself facing trips and well behind. Let's be honest the guy deserved the pot, if you'd beaten him it would have been an appaling bad beat for him.
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Re: the biggest pot I have ever lost thats why I always cash out when i double my buy-in my ongoing 'ferguson' attempt at betfair has taught me that - I ALWAYS lock in the profit and then start again that way I can't get fecked over with KK vs AA etc Damo

Its a bit of money but in terems of BB it`s nothing? you lost 1' date='1 max-buy-in (114 BB). I have tried to sit at a table for several hours and build my stack up to 3-4-5 max buy-ins. Just to lose it all on one hand to another bigstack at the table.[/quote']
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Re: the biggest pot I have ever lost if I have the BR to cover the buy-in then i must be prepared to lose it - othewise why play? if you are not prepared to lose you buy-in then you are in the wrong game and need to get out quick!! (this is a fundamental point of poker and needs to be adhered to IMHO) its all a matter of scale I guess Dan N lost $1 million on HSP last season (so i understand) yet he continues to play high stakes cash games - so we must assume he has a healthy BR to continue - the ante in the game is more than my loss (puts it into perspective!) I think that at various times during our poker playing we do something that defines our progress and educates us. This was one of those moments for me, the realisation that I could afford to lose so much money and not be bothered about it because it did not (substantially) affect my BR or finances (at all) out of the game- it happens and I just need to win it back now ;) Thanks for the encouragement :ok Damo

If you can learn and feel positive about loosing $250 on one Hand, congrats. :ok uote]
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Re: the biggest pot I have ever lost i totally agree damo, i've lost a few big hands on the 25nl i'm palying atm and it doesnt bother me at all, i dont go chasing losses or tilting i just shrug it off and keep playing. or take a few hours off if it was really bad :) i guess this is the core dealing of br management.

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Re: the biggest pot I have ever lost Yes. At the moment I regard poker purely as entertainment, and have to admit that I don't really keep a dedicated bankroll (though I have started to keep a record of my winnings/losses this year). So long as you're not risking more than you're prepared to pay for the entertainment, I think that's harmless. But I religiously keep a dedicated bankroll for other forms of betting and think quite a lot about bankroll management, and I think that's absolutely essential if you're going to risk amounts of money that are significant for you. I've had weeks where I've lost amounts betting that would send me into instant panic under normal circumstances, but in the context of a managed bankroll I find it easy to shrug it off as the inevitable variance that you're going to get if you try to make money betting.

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