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200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games?


200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games?  

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Ok - I'm going to put this to the vote - simple majority "wins". Feel free to put your arguments forward in this thread either way to try and persuade others!! My initial intention was that the 1 MPP game would be a focus game, but that the 200 MPP games would not be. HOWEVER, with such huge value now expected, I have changed my mind and feel the whole series should be focus games!!! Todays 1 MPP $10,000 freeroll had 207 entrants. I would be surprised if the 200 MPP freeroll had 50 entrants!! A $10,000 freeroll with 50 players would be the equivalent of a $200 buy in each!!! (But if today is anything to go by, people still play it like a freeroll). For those who sont play Cash Games, the BPP's can be earnt on STTs too!!!! 200 MPPs is the equivalent of playing 67 x $10 + $1 STTs (or $5 + $1 MTTs - as it is based on the fee!!) - so 10 per day - it is quite a lot - but at the end of it you can expect a "free" $200 MTT entry.... Anyway - the choice is yours :ok The poll will be open for 24 hours (no longer - to give you plenty of time to earn the MPP's if the result is positive!!)

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Re: 200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games? Id say no This week we have had 3 raked hand focus games already, and its all well and good doing 1-10 mpps/raked hands, for a game, but i think 200 is a lil too many I dont personally play that much on the cash tables, as my bankroll isnt big enough to allow any losses and if it was playing mtt's instead its still $670 worth of play to get in, i cant afford that.

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Re: 200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games? The larger entry ones are network wide. Just to clarify too - the parbet freerolls don't "cost" any MPPs (they are still in your account to be "spent"), you just have to have earnt them..... Morl - fair point - my intention is DEFINITELY not to have anywhere near 3x Raked Hand freerolls a week - MAYBE one (on average) - the second Stan James one snuck in because we had already earnt the points on the Tuesday that were needed on the Friday. I also appreciate that 200 MPP's is very different to one (which is why I put it to the vote - if it was just one again, I'd just have done it)

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Re: 200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games?

Todays 1 MPP $10,000 freeroll had 207 entrants. I would be surprised if the 200 MPP freeroll had 50 entrants!! A $10,000 freeroll with 50 players would be the equivalent of a $200 buy in each!!!
See my previous post, for some reason the 200mpp tourney gets a lot more entrants. On that basis I'd say the "value" is even more reduced. I'd now say stick with the 1mpp one.
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Re: 200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games? I'm voting "no" too. I'm in favour of occasional higher buy-in focus games, and don't mind a few raked hand games if the raked hands are easy to get (though personally I haven't planned ahead enough to enter any of them). But this sounds a bit much. You'd have to play either an awful lot of poker or some pretty expensive poker to qualify, and I think it's a bit too much to ask people to invest in time or money for a focus game.

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Re: 200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games?

Just looking in the lobby and it shows the 300mpp $2000 tourney had 488 entrants compared to tonights $10000 1mpp which only had 208:eek
network wide/parbet exclusive remember these are RELAUNCH freerolls, iirc parbet just changed networks. i vote yes mostly because i'll be in them, and i can actually connect to this site :)
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Re: 200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games?

See my previous post, for some reason the 200mpp tourney gets a lot more entrants. On that basis I'd say the "value" is even more reduced. I'd now say stick with the 1mpp one.
Today was the only 1 MPP one - there are no more. The future ones are 200 MPP's - you have nothing to compare it to as there has not been a Parbet exclusive 200 MPP freeroll before - BUT there is no way it will have anywhere near as many entrants as todays game!! The result is looking pretty clear already :ok Even not being a focus game I'll go for it and would suggest anyone who can should too :ok (I imagine the MPP's will be earnt a lot faster on the cash tables....)
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Re: 200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games?

network wide/parbet exclusive remember these are RELAUNCH freerolls, iirc parbet just changed networks. i vote yes mostly because i'll be in them, and i can actually connect to this site :)
Today was the only 1 MPP one - there are no more. The future ones are 200 MPP's - you have nothing to compare it to as there has not been a Parbet exclusive 200 MPP freeroll before - BUT there is no way it will have anywhere near as many entrants as todays game!! The result is looking pretty clear already :ok Even not being a focus game I'll go for it and would suggest anyone who can should too :ok (I imagine the MPP's will be earnt a lot faster on the cash tables....)
Ahh I see! Didn't realise that. From the few minutes Iplayed this morning the cash table don't seems to be particularly difficult so I suspect it won't take that much to get the 200 points. I'll give it a go and let you know how I get on.
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Re: 200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games? started playing them yesterday with a $50 deposit (max buyin 1 or 2 tables) been down as low as $35 while playing a table and tournies this afternoon. now just over $100 and 39 MPP points. i think its 2 weeks in between freerolls so it should be doable fairly quickly when 4 tabling.

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Re: 200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games? ok guys im at a 50c/$1 pot limit omaha hi/lo table im $15 dollars up and 6 mpp earnt in just 30 minutes.I,m just playing my sb and bb unless i got a good starting hand.The good thing is just watched 2 guys go raise crazy $60 pot me no money in and a point earnt :ok i,m sure more of us can do the 200 anyway gonna go back and try for more :ok i will do a progress report later :loon

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Re: 200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games? No-ones disputing the fact that its not a good value tourney - but thats not what the polls asking ?? If you want to play this $500+ Freeroll then good luck to you and I sincerley hope all the PL'ers that enter do well. Whether it should be the Focus Game? well,to steal a phrase from Andy Millman "Your having a Laugh". :lol :lol :lol What 'added value' is there for being 'BPP' ? - none. Also if there aren't going to be many entrants anyway then they aren't even going to be generate a brilliant score for the BPP points table. Indirectly the BPP is why a lot of people use the Poker Site - I know its one of the things that attracted me in the first instance, (that and thinking Pene looked quite fit in her picture, before I realised she was engaged to the Gaffer:$ ) - its one of the things that gives a sense of community to the site, which none of the other Poker forums I've seen have going for them. Why alienate 90% of the regular players by adding games like this as Focus games, when maybe a Poker Variant with a lower buy-in could be used. I think this is another instance of a need for a High Stakes BPP League - maybe 2 games a week. I'm sure PR could pull a few strings and get a decent cash prize for a quarterley winner. As these are the type of tourneys and players the big sites want. Guarantee the 'sponsor' that there site will be used as one of the Key Sites - might even manage to get more than 1 site interested. The other positive side to this is that if word gets around regarding a High Stakes League on PL then that should encourage more High stakes players to contribute and become part of the PL Community - which would in turn, hopefully, benefit the other users of the forum. I know GaF said its all too much for him to organise - but if its just a matter of keeping the spreadsheets updated twice a week (OK probably a little more required....) then I'm sure some of the other Poker Mods could help. Well you asked for opinions :eek .... rant over now :dude

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Re: 200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games? Why is there a need to make this the Focus game? Anyone that fancies taking part will go for the points regardless of it being the focus game - if I go for it I'll be happy to see less PL's as that'll make it easier. :ok I'll vote against it being a focus game but will probably go for the 200MPP's - I think we should start looking after the majority in this forum - it used to be that way. :unsure TQM

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Re: 200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games? Not sure when this game is so don't know what other alternatives there are but I'm voting no mostly on selfish grounds. Don't object in principle to the occasional raked hands game even though it's unlikely I would be able to play them, but wouldn't want to alienate too many of us too often. I've only played 2 focus games this week as we've begun to venture away from our core sites which is where I personally mostly play as I consider them recommended and reliable. This is well below my norm, and it's played havoc with my ranking! If this game is good value then people will play whether or not it's a focus game. Edit: I think this is what VoJ and TQM are saying, but it took me so long to write it (lots of thinking how to say it!) that they got in first. Not copying, honest guv. :$

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Re: 200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games? I voted "no", but only cause I can not deposit there. I know its very selfish :$. There is always a danger losing lots of money trying to get points and I wouldnt fancy that. Gaf, if votes are equal, you can skip my vote and of course make it focus game :).

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Re: 200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games? I think my main objection to raked hand games as focus games (though I don't mind them occasionally, if the raked hands requirement is reasonably small), is that I imagine that many of us don't know for sure which evenings we'll want to, or be able to, play the focus game, and often just check early in the evening to see what the focus game is. At least, that's what I do; if I'm the only one, just ignore me. Admittedly that also applied to the high buy-in game a while ago that I voted in favour of, which most people wouldn't have entered except by getting through a satellite. But I'm not paid to be consistent! Having said that, if any of us don't like all of GaF's suggestions for focus games, the constructive thing to do would be to make alternative suggestions, just like I .... haven't done.

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Re: 200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games? I am going to vote no on this simply because I would find it hard to find the time to earn the MPP's. Apart from a little time at weekends most evenings i'm in the usual PL games, so therefore no time for earning MPP's

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Re: 200 MPP Parbet Freerolls as Focus Games? I've voted No - even though I'll probably make a try at earning that many mpps AND make a profit with the $25 I've got in parbet. But as the saying goes "once its gone, its gone" and I have no intention of losing more than that. What me pay to play poker? - are you having a laugh :lol .

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