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Ladbrokes Southern Softies v Northern Monkies


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Friday 19th January 18:40 $10 + $1 Southern Softies MTT - 1500 Chips, 5 minute blinds. 18:40 $9 + $0.90 Northern Monkies MTT - 1500 Chips, 5 minute blinds. Top 8 players from each MTT go through to 20 Seat $1000 STT at 21:10 GMT. 16 players plus 4 Poker Managers with $100 bounties on their heads.

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Re: Ladbrokes Southern Softies v Northern Monkies

Friday 19th January 18:40 $10 + $1 Southern Softies MTT - 1500 Chips, 5 minute blinds. 18:40 $9 + $0.90 Northern Monkies MTT - 1500 Chips, 5 minute blinds. Top 8 players from each MTT go through to 20 Seat $1000 STT at 21:10 GMT. 16 players plus 4 Poker Managers with $100 bounties on their heads.
typical,,us southerners have to pay more than the poor old northerners again:tongue2 :tongue2 :dude
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Re: Ladbrokes Southern Softies v Northern Monkies What a dilemna .... being a scouser living down south which one shall I go in for? Reckon I'll go in for the Northern Monkies as the banter might be better. Well it works in pubs, you go into a pub up north and everyone and anyone will chat to you (even when you don't want them to :lol ). Down south unless you've seen someone around for 5 years or more its impolite to chat to them :D - and when you do and they catch the scouse accent they immediately look out the window to the carpark to see whether their car still has wheels :rollin . Here's a picture of Liverpool Airport ...... Liverpool%2002.jpg

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Re: Ladbrokes Southern Softies v Northern Monkies lmaorofl :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol Am going to check the entry lists and see if many are entering both :unsure As I can see it, nothing stopping that? :unsure (of course only voting for one on the Daily thread!!)

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Re: Ladbrokes Southern Softies v Northern Monkies Must admit that since I have "dual nationality" I'm closely watching the numbers going in for each as it may be beneficial to enter the southern one if there are (say) more than 10 percent less players in it than the northern one. Can I change my vote just before the off? :spank B*gg*r - missed registration! So I won't be in either.....

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Re: Ladbrokes Southern Softies v Northern Monkies

lmaorofl :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol Am going to check the entry lists and see if many are entering both :unsure As I can see it, nothing stopping that? :unsure (of course only voting for one on the Daily thread!!)
What happens if you get through on both tables cos if the eight from each tourny go through thats 16 plus your 4 poker managers,it would be pointless wouldn't it 1 of your entries would be wiped.
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Re: Ladbrokes Southern Softies v Northern Monkies I didn't see much sign of people entering both, so stuck to just the one.... If one person qualifies for both, I imagine an entry would be lost (but you need to try anyway, cos thre's prize money for the first game!!)

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