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**Poker Tuesday 16th January**


**Poker Tuesday 16th January**  

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    • No Poker
    • 19:00 Dream Poker Dirty Dozen
    • 19:00 Poker4Ever $400 Freeroll
    • 19:00 SO Paradise Safety Net
    • 19:30 SO Paradise Poker League
    • 20:00 Stan James Grand Prix
    • 20:00 Hendon Mob League
    • 21:15 Ladbrokes Cruise Daily Freeroll
    • 21:30 SO Paradise 25 Up
    • 03:00 Mansion $100,000 Gtd

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 16th January** Have some money in Stan's so was contemplating trying to get the raked hands in for the freeroll but as far as I can see it's only a raked hand when there's 25c rake and to get 25c it needs to be a $5 pot. :eek Far too much for me - only ever played cash once before. Have I misunderstood the criteria? Don't like these raked focus games. :sad Edit: decided to test it out on the 5c/10c. Took $3 in, lost most of it, won it back, left with $3 and no raked hands. :tongue2 2nd edit: just checked again and now shows 1 raked hand. :nana So, just another 4.5hrs play and I'll be there. :lol Not.

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 16th January**

Have some money in Stan's so was contemplating trying to get the raked hands in for the freeroll but as far as I can see it's only a raked hand when there's 25c rake and to get 25c it needs to be a $5 pot. :eek Far too much for me - only ever played cash once before. Have I misunderstood the criteria? Don't like these raked focus games. :sad
We really should talk face to face like normal people :eyes I played a 25c/50c table with my less than $8, got it up to $20 and then promptly lost it all. When I logged out and looked for my raked hand score it said zero, so boy was I hacked off :@ Half an hour later when I read your post and logged back in it showed 5 RH so I reinvested $20, and 20 mins or so later I've got $30 and 12 RH - although it still took 10 minutes or so after exiting for them to show. If I can do it you can but it has to be said it could just as easily have cost me $30 to get there ! Main problem is sitting down with $20 and everyone else has $50 plus and are quite happy to bully. :ok
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 16th January**

We really should talk face to face like normal people :eyes
:lol - on my way ;)
Main problem is sitting down with $20
I only very rarely/reluctantly play an MTT for $10 so there's no way I would sit down at a cash table with that much. I know I'm a wimp. :eyes I guess there are sites where the raked qualification is easier/cheaper to achieve, though I do actually quite like Stan's and keep meaning to play there more as they do a monthly rake-back and I've got a few cents back at the end of the month. :ok Looks like I'll concentrate on Paradise league tomorrow and relaunch my attack on the BPP on Weds. :dude
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 16th January** Sorry Helen :sad If you're not comfortable playing the raked hands, then you shouldn't do it - BPP isn't THAT important (and you're above run anyway :tongue2) I was dealt 123 hands on the 5c/10c tables and from those ended up with 16 raked hands......

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 16th January**

I was dealt 123 hands on the 5c/10c tables and from those ended up with 16 raked hands......
Ah.... but was it limit or no-limit? I play both occasionally (normally to qualify for freerolls or earn some bonus dosh and on those systems where the qualifying level is 25 cents of rake (for 0.25 Mpps on crytologic!) to count as a raked hand, then limit don't normally hack it unless you are on a 0.50/1.00 game. Thats why I really like the old Sporting Odds - anything that got a rake counted as a raked hand - thus making qualification for the 100up a bit of a doddle and low risk. Trouble with playing no-limit to get your raked hands is that even on 5/10 cent games you always have the possibility of getting sucked in with your AA and beat by a flush and immediately losing (say) $10. To get entry to the 25Up on Paradise needs 25 Player points (different from raked hands) and the only way I found I could accumulate these (since they need a pot of $20) was to play in the 0.25/0.50 no-limit ($50 max buy in) and (as I'm a tight git who is doesn't like risk :lol ) I was almost happy to get very few big hands (like AA) and risk having to go in big time. It was nice seeing the other "looser" players (mainly Scandanavians and the odd Hungarian :lol ) build the pots that I wasn't participating in and earn my player points for me. But as you say the Bpp points are just a bit of fun and I (for one) have never taken playing in every BPP game as a given. Some of them are on sites where I can't easily get onto (Boss limit being an example) and some of them are games which conflict with my "normal" schedules. Overall I love the bpp games I do manage to make :clap and find the variation in their type stimulating. :cheers
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 16th January**

On Thursday Gaf there is a freeroll on Stanjames' date=' top 9 win seats in to the 250K Grand Final, as long as you have played 10 raked hands in the last 7 days, which we will have done anyway![/quote'] Makes sense to be a focus game too then :ok (sorry Avon :sad)
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 16th January**

Ah.... but was it limit or no-limit?
No limit. Must just have been a slow table! From what Hodgey says looks like a bit longer on the next table value up might do the trick reasonably quickly.
But as you say the Bpp points are just a bit of fun and I (for one) have never taken playing in every BPP game as a given.
I probably play about half of them and agree we should have plenty of variety as we all have different sites and play at different levels, so that way everyone gets a chance at their type of game. But as for BPP being abit of fun. Not a matter of life and death, no.... now what was that football saying? (Bill Shankly I think) :lol
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 16th January** Is it going to be my night? In the Stan James, and in the first hour my KK has beat AA, my JJ has beat KK, and the last hand before the break I accidently re-raised with 3 7 and got called. The flop came 3 3 3...... :lol

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 16th January** Out in 40th on SJ. But think I may have qualified for the Dirty Dozen by getting up to 17k in the first hour, sitting out the 2nd hour, then stealing 2 sets of blinds and hitting trips on a BB spesh in the 5 minute break of SJ. :D 40th of 51 at the mo. :unsure

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