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Mansion Value


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Re: Mansion Crash

Point well made:ok . However' date=' I do feel a sense of frustration that a company the size of Mansion were not able to offer Joe, GaF, and the other disconnected parties some level of goodwill gesture. By doing so does not necessarily imply an admission of guilt. It would merely point out that whatever occured was certainly of no fault of the affected players.The company would just be seen as being benevolent, and acting in the spirit of fair play.[/quote'] I did get frustrated with this myself, however they did refund their entries which they didn't have to do, considering all the reports said it wasn't their fault. They had a problem recently, where it was their fault and the top 7 (all involved) of the 100k were all compensated and everyone was more than happy. The reason they couldn't offer anything more is because it sets a precedent. Even if future problems were their fault or not, they would have to continue to offer something, whereas really, they've done nothing wrong. Well as GaF can testify, (he shares the [email protected] email with me and others), I don't fcuk about and I really do push when these things happen. More often than not I will get a result, but whilst I do believe there are companies out there who do lie (that's a fact actually), I don't believe Mansion have here. I've had two 30 minute conversations with them and I pushed them extremely hard in the conversation at times. Mansion are financially extremely sound, so on the basis of what I was told, I am satisfied they are not messing about, they have too much to lose if they were. I also edited the thread title, as I didn't think it was appropriate anymore.
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Re: Mansion Crash

I also edited the thread title' date=' as I didn't think it was appropriate anymore.[/quote'] I'm going to change it back to the original title - "Mansion Value" whcihc is what it was before the thread was hijacked - hopefully it will be when a PL'r wins big in this :ok Logging on to Mansion for the first time in a few weeks I see that entry a couple of days ago was down to 444 - so value is increasing :ok Have been holding off giving my comments because I've been struggling on how to articulate my thoughts ..... basically I want to be fair/reasonable/measured to Mansion, whilst at the same time maintaining my immense frustration at what happened, clearly through no fault of my own. So I'll start off by saying that I dont doubt the integrity of Mansion in the slightest. I trust that they have looked at this thoroughly, checked their logs properly, found no "fault" and therefore (reasonably from their perspective) maintained their position that it had nothing to do with them. From my perspective however, I still find it extremely difficult to believe that, on the balance of probabilities, 25% of the field in one of their tournaments could similtaneously be disconnected, whilst suffering no connection problems elsewhere, and being users spanning several continents, without there being issues somewhere in the Mansion infrastructure. Mansion say all of their servers were fine and connected at all times. I accept that. However, this does not mean that somewhere, elsewhere, in the Mansion infrastructure, there was not a fault, a fault that they have been unable to find and identify. We cannot even begin to hypothesise where that fault may be, as we have no knowledge of the Mansion systems and infrastructure, but I have heard no reasonable, probable and believable explanation that suggest a problem could have occured outside of the Mansion environment. I also maintain my disappointment of the response from their live help at the time. There was a clear, and major problem, with 25% of the field simultaneously disconnected. Wherever the "fault" for this laid, I would view it as reasonable, indeed expected, for them to pause the tournament whilst this were investigated/resolved. However, they were unable to see the problem, and believed that I was the only person impacted. The lack of information available to them, to see how widespread the problem was, meant they could not act in the way I believe they should have done. So my position is that I still believe that there was a fault in the Mansion environment, and I believe the Mansion support staff failed to respond to this fault in a proper way (due to lack of information available to them). I do not however believe that there is any identified problem within Mansion, cover up of what happened or attempt to evade liability to save the money. I do trust that Mansion want to do the right and fair thing (even though I dont believe they have) without opening themselves up to be "pushovers" in all disputes. What am I going to do from here then? As I accept the integrity of Mansion, I will probably return to playing these games for the overlay that is on offer. Hopefully next time this happens (as it probably will, given that the problem hasn't been found) I will be the beneficiary and it will be someone else (non PL!!) who loses out!!!
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