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Poker333 Poker Pro Europe $1500 Freeroll


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Posted on the Poker Night Live forum :ok

Hi everyone! PokerPro Europe magazine are running a fantastic $1500 freeroll on Jan 18th (Thursday). The tournament is on Poker333 and starts at 8pm GMT (3pm EST). The password for this tournament can be found in PokerPro Europe magazine. In the Poker333 lobby, the tournament can be found under TV / Scheduled tournaments / Multi table Registration is open now. Good luck!
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Re: Poker333 Poker Pro Europe $1500 Freeroll

Too bad I can't find that Magazine here in Holland. I hear a lot about this magazine and freerolls. Goodluck tho in the freeroll.. too bad I can't be a part of it!
Dont worry mate, You cant get it here in the Canarys either. You are not alone in missing out.:sad
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Re: Poker333 Poker Pro Europe $1500 Freeroll rofl @ BJ Just for clarity - although the top 9 all get the same prize, so far as BPP points go, there will be the normal distinction in finishing places (i.e. first gets more points than second, who gets more points than third etc...) So whilst your opponents may lose all reason to play, you dont!!! The only thing I feel would be unacceptable, is persuading them through the chat box to go out, letting you get more BPP points!!!

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Re: Poker333 Poker Pro Europe $1500 Freeroll Lol, this was a wicked tournament lol. Finished 11th. Lost almost all my stack with 77 vs A9 but like a magician I won some back lol and made it till the 11th place. My AJ weren't good enough against teaulc his ducks *kwek*kwek*. But if I had to choose someone to lose against it was teaulc hehe. Anyway, thanks for the lovely tourney guys.. I had a great time hehe.

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Re: Poker333 Poker Pro Europe $1500 Freeroll unfortunately out in 5th when i called 2nd place with my a/j and he had a/q :sad ,this left me with about 13k and went all in a couple hands later with 6/6 and hit f/h to put me back on 22k,went all in against other short stack and he won..was a very enjoyable game;)

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Re: Poker333 Poker Pro Europe $1500 Freeroll Dont tell eveyone How did you find out ? The gits didnt give me a chance to limp with them it was all in evey time ( so i wimped out and folded them ) I figured i might just scape into the money. I did but only just Well played Teaulc

Piston - I don't think I could have folded AK three times so :notworthy for the third one (should have raised all-in the first two, says I knowing what your opponent had ;) ) :ok
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Re: Poker333 Poker Pro Europe $1500 Freeroll

out in 13th with 88 v teaulc's AA 8 on the flop ................ but A on the river (and I knew it was coming :sad ) good luck tea and bozza :ok Alan, any hard luck stories about tonight and I'll be miffed ;)
well my kk did come up against aa and jj on paradise now you mention it when i was in a very good position:loon :loon :rollin :rollin thoroughly enjoyed tonights game on poker333,a fantastic blind structure imo
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