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paradise pop ups


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Can anyone tell me how to stop the bloody annoying pop ups on this site, telling me about some inconsequential tourney starting in half an hour.:@ :@ :@ :@ Fine, if I´m making my mind up as to what to play, but when I´m already involved in a game, the last thing I want is a bloody....................FCUCKING HELL ITS Done it again while I´m typing this :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall Calm down Gary and try again............:beer OK as I was saying, I cant find a way to stop these annoying notices about future games when I´m already playing. Twice tonight I went to bet/fold a hand only to find the table obscured AGAIN. Anybody from Sporting/Paradise want to answer?? Anybody else? Is it just me?

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Re: paradise pop ups I'm sorry to say several things about this site annoy me. :( - As well as the pop-ups they also overlay the same info over the chat box. - It's difficult to see how much has been bet, and when you hover over the chips there's much too much of a lag before the amount pops up. - There's no all-in button and it's nearly impossible to make the slider go to the full amount of your chips - the tournament lobby is very slow to respond and can show the wrong positions unless you close it down and reopen - but most annoying is how instrusive the table is. It pops up as soon as the hand is dealt, whereas most sites wait until it's your turn; it always wants to be the active screen at the front so I find it difficult when playing 2 games; unless you've folded your hand it's really hard to make the screen go away without minimising it - with all other sites you can just click on the other screen you want to see. However the doughnuts are nice. :lol Been meaning to start a thread about this for a few days - thanks Gaz :ok

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Re: paradise pop ups In addition to the infernal popups, I have similar concerns about the site. Avongirl accurately pointed out that "There's no all-in button and it's nearly impossible to make the slider go to the full amount of your chips.". You move the slider along the dubious volume bar, and grading seems to take for ever to change to something decent, then you're putting far too many chips in - still dreading the ignominy (or is that ignomony, or just ig - no money!) - of running low on time and being put in the "Think Tank". The chips bug me as well - difficult to tell the different denominations, especially on the cash tables. And thise antes start early in tourneys don't they? AND - am I the only one to struggle to regularly get the Safety Net Tourney on the screen? You click the amount twice to order them, or click the start time - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Oh, and the chat text is a bit slow at coming up after you've typed it, making witty banter a bit trickier. I do like the drinks and nibbles, and we shouldn't grumble when they are funding the CL, but if we don't say anything, they'll never know. That's all for now - off to lick my wounds after yet another poor CL showing. McG :gimme

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Re: paradise pop ups

Avongirl accurately pointed out that "There's no all-in button and it's nearly impossible to make the slider go to the full amount of your chips.". You move the slider along the dubious volume bar, and grading seems to take for ever to change to something decent, then you're putting far too many chips in - still dreading the ignominy (or is that ignomony, or just ig - no money!) - of running low on time and being put in the "Think Tank".
Given up loads of times and just typed the amount in. However discovered tonight that if you are flamboyant and whizz the slider to the right it works OK, so no more click click click for me trying to hit the mouse precisely on the last bar. :ok I have also had alot of trouble with disconnections to this site but that seems to have sorted itself out and don't think I've disconn'ed once this year. :)
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