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Re: Poker Edge What a load of rubbish.... :eyes

warning.png Valiant23 @ Prima Pre-Flop Tendency: SEMI LOOSE - The Poker-Edge software automatically color codes neutral players in BLACK for easy identification. Player Type : You are a Caution Sign (Passive/Aggressive). You are aggressive, but only bet/raise your strong hands. The Poker-Edge software shows you the Caution Signs by placing an icon next to their name at the table! Strengths: You are aggressive PostFlop. Weaknesses: You are passive and don't raise enough hands PreFlop. It's easy to see you have a monster when you finally do raise PreFlop. Best Advice: Play more aggressively PreFlop. Play position more heavily by raising to steal blinds or isolate yourself against 1 or 2 players.
:unsure :unsure :unsure :lol
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Re: Poker Edge mebbe's aye, mebbe's 'no.... :lol

mouse.png PLBrael @ mansion arrow.gifPlay With PLBrael Pre-Flop Tendency: TIGHT - The Poker-Edge software automatically color codes tight players in RED for easy identification. Player Type : You are a Mouse (Tight-Passive/Passive). You are scared to risk any chips. The Poker-Edge software shows you the Mice by placing an icon next to their name at the table! Strengths: You are selective with your starting hands, giving you an edge over looser players. You rarely risk losing much money. Weaknesses: You are too timid, and not aggressive enough. You rarely bet your winning hands, and you often fold hands that were good enough to win. You are easy to read and bully around and aggressive players will steal your blinds. Best Advice: Open up your game - play more aggressively. Bet or raise good hands instead of calling. Defend your blinds.
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Re: Poker Edge Heres me..... :lol bomb.png philossify @ mansion arrow.gifPlay With philossify Pre-Flop Tendency: SEMI LOOSE - The Poker-Edge software automatically color codes neutral players in BLACK for easy identification. Player Type : You are a Bomb (Aggressive/Aggressive). Your Aggressive play Pre and Post Flop makes the table fear you. The Poker-Edge software shows you the Bombs by placing an icon next to their name at the table! Strengths: Your aggressive nature is your biggest strength. You win many pots on bluffs and semi-bluffs. Weaknesses: Your biggest weakness is you sometimes lack discipline. Your aggression is unwarranted sometimes. People slowplay or check-raise you because they know you will bet. Best Advice: Work on your discipline, and you will be a shark.

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Re: Poker Edge I simply don't believe it.......though I'd like to think it's not too far off with me ;) Pre-Flop Tendency: TIGHT - The Poker-Edge software automatically color codes tight players in RED for easy identification. Player Type : You are a Bomb (Aggressive/Aggressive). Your Aggressive play Pre and Post Flop makes the table fear you. The Poker-Edge software shows you the Bombs by placing an icon next to their name at the table! Strengths: You are selective with your starting hands, giving you an edge over looser players. Your aggressive nature is your biggest strength. You win many pots on bluffs and semi-bluffs. Weaknesses: Your biggest weakness is you sometimes lack discipline. Your aggression is unwarranted sometimes. People slowplay or check-raise you because they know you will bet. Best Advice: Work on your discipline, and you will be a shark.

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Re: Poker Edge Hmmm .... this is what it says at Prima about me..... Pre-Flop Tendency: TIGHT - The Poker-Edge software automatically color codes tight players in RED for easy identification. Player Type : You are a Rock (Tight-Passive/Aggressive). People hardly notice you are at the table because you play so few hands. The Poker-Edge software shows you the Rocks by placing an icon next to their name at the table! Strengths: You are selective with your starting hands, giving you an edge over looser players. You are aggressive PostFlop and bet your hands for value. You will be profitable at weak to average tables. Weaknesses: You are not aggressive enough preflop - only raising with elite hands. A good player can easily put you on a hand, since you only call with great hands, and raise with elite ones. Aggressive players will repeatedly steal your blinds. Best Advice: Open up your game - play more aggressively PreFlop, defend your blinds, and play more hands in late position. Pay attention to your table image - bluff when people think you never bluff.

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Re: Poker Edge It's summed me up perfectly. :clap Pre-Flop Tendency: LOOSE - The Poker-Edge software automatically color codes loose players in RUNNY BROWN since this reflects the state of their bodily functions when their team loses. Player Type : You are Very Tall. Whilst this was of great benefit to you many years ago when stadiums were mainly standing it is of less help nowadays. The Poker-Edge software shows you the Very Tall people by placing an erect phallus icon next to their name at the table! Strengths: You look damn good in that shirt. The Poker-Edge software wishes it had one of those. Weaknesses: Your biggest weakness is you sometimes show a lack of respect for Ipswich Town FC. You also need to learn how to pronounce Saarfend. Best Advice: Work on your discipline, and you'll take down the PL game in Brum next month.

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Re: Poker Edge

It's summed me up perfectly. :clap Pre-Flop Tendency: LOOSE - The Poker-Edge software automatically color codes loose players in RUNNY BROWN since this reflects the state of their bodily functions when their team loses. Player Type : You are Very Tall. Whilst this was of great benefit to you many years ago when stadiums were mainly standing it is of less help nowadays. The Poker-Edge software shows you the Very Tall people by placing an erect phallus icon next to their name at the table! Strengths: You look damn good in that shirt. The Poker-Edge software wishes it had one of those. Weaknesses: Your biggest weakness is you sometimes show a lack of respect for Ipswich Town FC. You also need to learn how to pronounce Saarfend. Best Advice: Work on your discipline, and you'll take down the PL game in Brum next month.
:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
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Re: Poker Edge Interesting I got the same reading as GaF at prima were I win consistantly, but at Party were I never win I am a red fish. Only really play cash tables at theses two A green fish at mansion but I ony play feerolls or $200 buy in tournies there so I guess its a bit mixed up

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Re: Poker Edge I got told off for looking at Poker Edge. Hello, Upon a review of your account, we find that you have been accessing a web site known as Poker Edge, while playing on PokerStars. Please be aware that the use of Poker Edge is against the terms of service to which you agreed when opening your PokerStars account. Those terms of service are located here: http://www.pokerstars.com/tos.html Among them are these terms: 4.4 EXTERNAL PLAYER ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS (EPA). PokerStars prohibits External player assistance programs ("EPA Programs") which are designed to provide an "Unfair Advantage" to players. PokerStars defines External to mean computer software (other than the PokerStars game client provided by PokerStars), and non-software-based databases or profiles (e.g. web sites and subscription services). PokerStars defines an "Unfair Advantage" as a User accessing or compiling information on other players beyond that which the User has personally observed through the User's own game play. We encourage you to read our Prohibited Programs FAQ at: http://www.pokerstars.com/poker/room/prohibited/ We understand that your visit to the site may have beenincidental or out of curiousity. Nevertheless, we ask that you refrain from visiting or using poker-edge.com while playing on PokerStars. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Jeff PokerStars Support Supervisor

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