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Daytime freerolls


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Hi Guys, I've not played poker for months, but due to being made redundant (along with over 200 others ) on New Years Eve. :sad I've got plenty of time at the moment to play, are there any sites that have any good daytime tourneys I should look out for? I had a quick look around today and found a couple. I thought I'd found loads at one stage, but it was in USA eastern time.:lol

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Re: Daytime freerolls vcpoker have quite a few - need action points for most of them tho 2 per day on betfair Damo

SOrry to hear about your redundancy :sad I think laddies have a few freerolls during the day, as do iPoker (Betfred/Titan) :unsure If you can stand it :tongue2 pkr have a few as well I believe....
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Re: Daytime freerolls Thanks guys, I'll have a look at those tomorrow. Got plenty of time to try & improve my game :lol If I'm lucky enough to get back into work quickly, I plan on taking some redundancy cash to the WSOP. So I'll need to get a lot of practice in :)

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