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Choice of Focus games - General Debate

slick mick

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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate As You´re waiting for me, I´d better answer :lol Dont see the problem with a $10 buy in, never did. To me, $100 games are for you good/better players than those of us that enjoy the focus games. As for the core sites, that was your own idea, and as far as Prima etc it was a good one. I didnt think that meant we only used core sites to the exclusion of others. BTW How come we havent got a Prima core site anymore? What happened to Betway?

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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate Ok - Laddies tomorrow is the focus game :ok Will have to reconsider my position on "core sites" as this clearly goes against the current "rules" - however the decision seems to be what people want (including me!!) :ok Following on from what Mr V said - I dont really like the core site concept either - but I wouldn't - it restricts my flexibility and choice!!! I brought it in to try and address concerns that were raised with regards to the number of sites we played..... For the moment, I think where I see large value, then I will go for it - core site or not - where there isn't great value, then I will stick to a core site (or freeroll). I think anyone who isn't using neteller to shift their money from site to site "following" value is probably losing out, so I don't think it's bad for your bank balances to encourage this a bit more.......

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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate

BTW How come we havent got a Prima core site anymore? What happened to Betway?
Cheers gaz :ok Betway were removed when they stopped running their PNL value added tourney - there was no reason to keep them as a core site any more - they didn't offer PL any leagues or anything and didn't have any regular buy in added value games.......
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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate

Ok - Laddies tomorrow is the focus game :ok For the moment, I think where I see large value, then I will go for it - core site or not - where there isn't great value, then I will stick to a core site (or freeroll).
Deffo the way to go IMHO GaF?:ok Best go download Laddies:)
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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate as a person who hasnt played a lot of focus games i like the concept of core sights as in the case of mansion and titan sponsoring leagues doesnt loyalty work both ways they have been very generous in the past and hopefully in the future aswell. the idea of a set number of non core sites just for added value games makes perfect sense but i do fell you should support sites that support us

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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate

I do not mind a focus game being non- core site:ok, I have funds in Neteller and would deposit into Laddies for the $10 value game -but for example - If I have a starting bankroll of $100 and I deposit into 3 sites that all want a minimum $25 deposit then that is 3/4 of my bankroll gone and now and then I will opt out of a non core site or a site that I do not hold funds in as I can't justify doing this. I don't mind depositing for 1 value game but will stay within my set parameters for depositing and buying in "at my level" which the $100 game is far too much.
just do minimum deposit sam and after the game withdraw your funds back to neteller :ok
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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate

as a person who hasnt played a lot of focus games i like the concept of core sights as in the case of mansion and titan sponsoring leagues doesnt loyalty work both ways they have been very generous in the past and hopefully in the future aswell. the idea of a set number of non core sites just for added value games makes perfect sense but i do fell you should support sites that support us
I see your point, but in truth a sensible customer should only be loyal to themselves, and these poker sites know that. Would you walk past Tesco's to go to your regular shop so that they can charge you twice the price? Of ourse not, and its a similar situation here. How can we support Mansion fully when they seem intent on putting their decent tournies on at 3am?
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