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Choice of Focus games - General Debate

slick mick

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Re: **Poker Saturday 30th December** Ooops - forgot Focus game ....... I don't like the Safety Net as a Focus game .... however a bit short of options ..... will have a think (as always - open to suggestions). I'd REALLY like to make the Laddies game the focus game - this is the large value game of the evening ...... but it's not a core site :sad Second choice (in my selfish opinion) would be the Mansion $100 buy in $5000 added - but that didn't generate that much interest last time (it SHOULD have done - it's great value - I know it's a large buy in, but your expected winnings should be significantly larger than the buy in - if you are a winning player, as a lot of us are, these are the games we should be playing in....) And then we have the Bet365 and Safety Net freerolls at the other end of the spectrum......... Something between (with good value) would be ideal :ok

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Re: **Poker Saturday 30th December**

Ooops - forgot Focus game ....... I don't like the Safety Net as a Focus game .... however a bit short of options ..... will have a think (as always - open to suggestions). I'd REALLY like to make the Laddies game the focus game - this is the large value game of the evening ...... but it's not a core site :sad Second choice (in my selfish opinion) would be the Mansion $100 buy in $5000 added - but that didn't generate that much interest last time (it SHOULD have done - it's great value - I know it's a large buy in, but your expected winnings should be significantly larger than the buy in - if you are a winning player, as a lot of us are, these are the games we should be playing in....) And then we have the Bet365 and Safety Net freerolls at the other end of the spectrum......... Something between (with good value) would be ideal :ok
As far as I am concerned - expected winnings is all that this would be for me- I cannot justify paying the buy in as the standard of play is above my ability. :( I like the safety net but happy to go with the majority- doesn't have to be core site as I have funds in Neteller. :ok
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Re: **Poker Saturday 30th December** For an interesting change of pace, and since Saturday seems to be difficult to find a good focus game, how about one of the satellites to one of the big tourneys on Stars? I'd suggest the $11 one to the Sunday warm-up. I think it would be great to have several PLers in a big money tourney like that.

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Re: **Poker Saturday 30th December** I would vote for the Laddies one, as it is only a $10 buy in, but $5000 added, great value imo and am sure PLers would get their fair share of it. Know its not a core site, so that may rule it out, but as for added value its a no brainer for me. :ok

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Re: **Poker Saturday 30th December** Core sites were introduced to reduce the volume of sites people had to have cash in in order to play focus games - so not being a core site does rule it out. Would appreciate feedback - has reducing the number of sites we play buy in games at made a difference and made people happier with game selection? I know from my point of view, it's made it significantly harder to find value games for focus games (and consequently reduced the value on focus games.) Think I will move this debate to a new thread to carry on (cue gazabroad :tongue2 - seriously mate - the debate is open ;-) )

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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate But Mick, you're talking $250 added v $5000 added - appreciate the standard is poorer in Safety Net, but net winnings for PL would I'm sure be greater in Laddies for PL'rs...... If you take the "true" added value - $250 divided by 250 entrants on safety net? $1 per player. $5000 divided by 500 players ???? at Laddies? $10 per player. There is ten times more value at laddies (ok I know it's not quite as simple as that, but it does seem clear to me that the value is significantly more at laddies.....)

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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate Now I'm confused haven't you already ruled Laddies out as not being a core site? I would have to make a deposit into Laddies so would have to find out what the minimum deposits and withdrawals are. I imagine we would get a much larger PL turnout for the safety net. I agree with you about moving to bigger games but I'm a tight git and like to build up bankrolls from free. Now if there were a $10 added value at Spodds or any of the other sites where I've built a roll for free I'd be straight in there. Another alternative could be another private prima game.

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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate The laddies tournament is unlikely at this stage - the "debate" is more for future policy...... having said that, I DO listen to feedback ;) If there were a lot more posts like Staffy's in the next few hours, and relatively few opponents, then I could still be persuaded ;-) (and similar for Safety Net) I genuinely have made no decision yet..... No doubts - Safety net would get more entrants, but I have no doubt either, laddies would provide significantly more profit ;-) We don't have a Prima core site any more, so the PNL tournament is ruled out for the moment (at least it's in the same category as the laddies game) - technically ought to rule out a Prima private tourney too, don't know why though but it doesn't - have played private prima tournies before and will do again I'm sure. Not overkeen on them though - we have private games elsewhere with added value - why play private games for no extra? ;)

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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate I suspect this debate may have been done to death before I joined the forum, in which case apologies: I don't see it as necessary to keep money at all the sites I play at, just a couple of hundred $$$ in Neteller which can be deposited instantly whenever there is additional value in a tourney. I would imagine post PLers do the same (but am happy to be corrected). Therefore I don't see much of a problem with using a non-core site if that is clearly the day's outstanding added-value tourney. What I agree that we absolutely must do is to restrict ourselves to 'quality' sites, and avoid the likes of Goalpoker or PokerRoom.

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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate

I suspect this debate may have been done to death before I joined the forum, in which case apologies: I don't see it as necessary to keep money at all the sites I play at, just a couple of hundred $$$ in Neteller which can be deposited instantly whenever there is additional value in a tourney. I would imagine post PLers do the same (but am happy to be corrected). Therefore I don't see much of a problem with using a non-core site if that is clearly the day's outstanding added-value tourney. What I agree that we absolutely must do is to restrict ourselves to 'quality' sites, and avoid the likes of Goalpoker or PokerRoom.
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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate

I agree that we do need core sites. But we should not shut ourselves off from good tournies elsewhere because of it. The example being the laddies tourny on Saturday.
I agree with this totally. How about introduing a new "rule" that in any given month you can select 3 non core site value added focus games? This way the majority of focus games will be at core sites so the majority of time players wouldn't have to deposit all over the place but you wouldn't miss out on any extraordinary value tourneys. However, my vote for this Saturday would be the Safety Net cos I've just downloaded the new SpOdds Paradise software and want some practice!
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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate

I don't see it as necessary to keep money at all the sites I play at, just a couple of hundred $$$ in Neteller which can be deposited instantly whenever there is additional value in a tourney. I would imagine post PLers do the same (but am happy to be corrected). Therefore I don't see much of a problem with using a non-core site if that is clearly the day's outstanding added-value tourney.
Yep, thats my tactics too!! :ok Any table, any site GaF as I'm out on the :beer tomorrow for a change. (10am start - disguised as Golf) :lol I'll be playing the Laddies one anyway - fantastic value, even if I do hate the site. :( (on second thoughts, make the focus game the safety net, so that's it's easier for me on Laddies) TQM
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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate Quick answer. Without fail we were playing Tikey's tourney on SO as a focus game because of the fantastic added value of $1000, so I think regardless of whether Ladbrokes is a core site then this Laddies game should be the focus game. It provides trememndous value at an affordable buy-in. :ok You can guess in which direction my more lengthy post will go by this.

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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate I don't like the idea behind core sites, but respect Gaf?'s decision in the matter. However if we didn't have 'core sites' I doubt there would be much debate about tomorrows focus game. I do think added value tournaments should always be considered for focus gamesand I still think we should have one high buy-in tournament a month. In fact I think added value MTT's should be automatic choices and instead of debating whether to have a tourney such as this one as a focus game we should in future be taking the opposite standpoint. That is, if someone has a good reason why an added value game shouldn't be a focus game then we can discuss it from that angle (eg its a good value tourney but its on Pokerroom).

I don't see it as necessary to keep money at all the sites I play at, just a couple of hundred $$$ in Neteller which can be deposited instantly whenever there is additional value in a tourney. I would imagine post PLers do the same (but am happy to be corrected).
I do the same R and R but a lot of deposits over a small period of time can prove to be quite costly, which will deter people (me).
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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate

How about introduing a new "rule" that in any given month you can select 3 non core site value added focus games? This way the majority of focus games will be at core sites so the majority of time players wouldn't have to deposit all over the place but you wouldn't miss out on any extraordinary value tourneys.
Superb idea Hodgey :clap I'm strongly in favour of games like Laddies being focus games, personally I'm probably not good enough to do well in them, but surely we should be going for added value wherever possible?!
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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate Mr V - deposits only cost cos we're screwed by neteller over exchange rates - otherwise they're "free" - I (and others I sugest) probably need to get organised and have access to a US$ neteller site - then deposits and withdrawals are "free" in the main

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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate I do not mind a focus game being non- core site:ok, I have funds in Neteller and would deposit into Laddies for the $10 value game -but for example - If I have a starting bankroll of $100 and I deposit into 3 sites that all want a minimum $25 deposit then that is 3/4 of my bankroll gone and now and then I will opt out of a non core site or a site that I do not hold funds in as I can't justify doing this. I don't mind depositing for 1 value game but will stay within my set parameters for depositing and buying in "at my level" which the $100 game is far too much.

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Re: Choice of Focus games - General Debate For anyone who has a GBP Neteller account, I'd suggest you do get it switched to USD as quick as possible. It's very painless - Neteller customer support will guide you through if you ask them - and means you don't get shafted on exchange fees every time you deposit. Best decision I ever made!:dude

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