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how does that work?


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i have logged into my so paradise account and found that all my cash in there has gone, i emailed paradise and they say that all funds are transfered out after each session to the sporting odds account.. i checked there and nothing:@ out of curiosity i looked into my sporting odds poker account and lo and behold,its there WHY??????????? I NEVER AUTHOURISED IT TO GO THERE

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Re: how does that work?

:unsure Your sporting odds balance gets transferred in and out every time you log in and out. Sometimes there is an unnerving glitch in the process which means your bankroll disappears, but it normally sorts itself out.
okay have it sussed.. because my son logged into spods poker before i logged into soparadise the money went there 1st. so an interesting thing i have learnt today because i didnt know i could use the same bankroll for both:loon
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