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6 Seater STT's


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Found this on the web, claims to return 20% roi on low to mid level STT's if followed perfectly. Thoughts ??

6-player NLHE Starting Hands Matrix
A-AR/RR2; call allR/RR2; call allR/RR2; call allR/RR2; call all
K-KR/RR2; call allR/RR2; call allR/RR2; call allR/RR2; call all
Q-QRaise; call RRRaise; call RRRaise; call RRRe-raise MPR, LPR o/w call
J-JRaise; call RRRaise; call RRRaise; call RRRe-raise LPR o/w call
10-10Raise; call RRRaise; call RRRaise; call RRRe-raise LPR, o/w call
9-9 to 5-5R/Fold to RRRaise; call RRRaise; call RRCall EPR, MPR, LPR
4-4 to 2-2*Call; fold to RCall; fold to RR/Fold to RRCall LPR, o/w fold
A-KsR/RR2; call allR/RR2; call allR/RR2; call allR/RR2; call all
A-KoR/RR2; call allR/RR2; call allRaise; call RRR/RR2; call all
A-QsRaise; call RRRaise; call RRRaise; call RRRe-raise MPR, LPR o/w call
A-QoRaise; call RRRaise; call RRRaise; call RRRe-raise LPR, o/w call
A-JsR/Fold to RRR/Fold to RRRaise; call RRRe-raise LPR, o/w call
A-JoR/Fold to RRR/Fold to RRR/Fold to RRCall MPR/LPR, o/w fold
A-10s*R/Fold to RRR/Fold to RRR/Fold to RRCall MPR/LPR, o/w fold
A-10o*R/Fold to RRR/Fold to RRR/Fold to RRCall MPR/LPR, o/w fold
K-Qs*R/Fold to RRR/Fold to RRR/Fold to RRCall MPR/LPR, o/w fold
K-Qo*Fold R/Fold to RRR/Fold to RRCall LPR, o/w fold (1)
K-Js*Fold R/Fold to RRR/Fold to RRCall LPR, o/w fold (1)
Q-Js*Fold R/Fold to RRR/Fold to RRCall LPR, o/w fold (1)
* = fold if a player before you raises preflop and you're not in the Blinds
R = Raise - Should typically be 3-4x Big Blind
RR = Reraise - Should be at least double the rise
RR2 = Raise a Reraise - Usually want to get all-in
EPR = Early Position Raise
MPR = Middle Position Raise
LPR = Late positon Raise; includes SB if you're BB
(1) If all players limp in, then raise with these hands from the SB or BB
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Re: 6 Seater STT's FInd it hard to believe an automated strategy can work that pays no attention to the size of blinds and stacks or number of opponents..... PokerPlayer mag has been running an interesting series on automated strategies .... the last was Scott "Online Ace" Fischmanns approach to STT's which their trial considered profitable (albeit over just 10 games) .... have been intending to start a thread on this and get a few of us to try out own 10 batch trials of this strategy and see how it goes......

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Re: 6 Seater STT's you raise with QJs in the sb/bb when everyone limps? nooooooooooo thats very bad Damo PS Caveat - dependant on blinds and stacks etc - but I can't imagine how short stack I would need to be to raise - I s'pose if I had a monster stack then maybe raise to get it HU?.

Found this on the web, claims to return 20% roi on low to mid level STT's if followed perfectly.
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