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A7 in Shorthanded Cash Game


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Decided to dabble in cash games for a bit, buying in shortstacked to the $0.25/$0.50 tables on Prima. (We'll forget the point that it was a stupid idea for the purposes of this discussion, if that's okay!) Been at the table for about 10 hands, only played one, raising 3xBB with QQ UTG and scaring everyone off. ** Game ID 1106043976 starting - 2006-12-25 23:20:20 ** Dijon [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - JadedJ sitting in seat 1 with $12.26 - Coskun6 sitting in seat 2 with $24.97 - rogerlej8 sitting in seat 3 with $57.76 [Dealer] - HolyGuru sitting in seat 4 with $79.90 - tappazuki sitting in seat 5 with $61.30 - bowhunter320 sitting in seat 6 with $12.81 HolyGuru posted the small blind - $0.25 tappazuki posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: 7 of Spades, Ace of Clubs bowhunter320 called - $0.50 JadedJ raised - $2.00 Coskun6 called - $2.00 rogerlej8 folded HolyGuru called - $2.00 tappazuki called - $2.00 bowhunter320 folded ** Dealing the flop: 7 of Hearts, 5 of Clubs, 2 of Spades HolyGuru checked tappazuki checked Question 1: Was this playable pre-flop? Question 2: Given that the flop's as good as I could have expected, what do I do now?

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Re: A7 in Shorthanded Cash Game Best to ditch that crap unless its suited I would say, id rather be playing 76 or 87 there than A7 personally. And yes have to put out a good bet but its all a bit dodgy really :lol Actually what you got left, $10 is it and theres $8 ish in the pot. Bah you may as well just go all in then really, if you bet $6 or whatever and someone raises you or calls etc youre gona have to call or be all in later due to the pot anyway. Hopefully theres no 88, 99 out there etc or youll be in trouble.

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Re: A7 in Shorthanded Cash Game Question 1: Was this playable pre-flop? No Question 2: Given that the flop's as good as I could have expected, what do I do now? fold, no point throwing good money after bad, you've gotta put one of these guys on a set or an overpair.

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Re: A7 in Shorthanded Cash Game

Question 2: Given that the flop's as good as I could have expected, what do I do now? fold, no point throwing good money after bad, you've gotta put one of these guys on a set or an overpair.
You fold Top Pair Top Kicker without even asking a question? I disagree - chances are there isn't an overpair or trips out there - in all probability you are ahead..... No flush draws, unlikely straight draws..... Worst you're up against is probably 2 overcards!!!
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Re: A7 in Shorthanded Cash Game Actually you're right, you'd have to bet into this pot. It's the only way to find out where you are, and it might encourage folds. I'd fold to a reraise though, the danger is you get flat called. You need to bet harder at the turn to keep the story consistant. A 7 is a very dangerous hand, here, is if you pair your Ace later To take this a little off topic, let's say you put in a pot sized bet, it gets flat called by one person, the turn doesn't help you, how do you bet at fourth street ??

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Re: A7 in Shorthanded Cash Game I have position on 2 of the 3 remaining players - so chances are I have position on the caller..... What is the turn card? presumably an overcard to my 7? If I have position I probably flat call, see the river and see what he does then......

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Re: A7 in Shorthanded Cash Game Your forgetting the small stack Jaded has when your talking about pot bets etc. I said...

Actually what you got left, $10 is it and theres $8 ish in the pot. Bah you may as well just go all in then really, if you bet $6 or whatever and someone raises you or calls etc youre gona have to call or be all in later due to the pot anyway. Hopefully theres no 88, 99 out there etc or youll be in trouble.
If you put out a pot bet on the flop you cant fold when youve only got a $2 stack left.
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Re: A7 in Shorthanded Cash Game A7 is very poor in a cash game - just throw it away flop?? make a pot bet and see what happens Damo

Decided to dabble in cash games for a bit, buying in shortstacked to the $0.25/$0.50 tables on Prima. (We'll forget the point that it was a stupid idea for the purposes of this discussion, if that's okay!) Been at the table for about 10 hands, only played one, raising 3xBB with QQ UTG and scaring everyone off. ** Game ID 1106043976 starting - 2006-12-25 23:20:20 ** Dijon [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - JadedJ sitting in seat 1 with $12.26 - Coskun6 sitting in seat 2 with $24.97 - rogerlej8 sitting in seat 3 with $57.76 [Dealer] - HolyGuru sitting in seat 4 with $79.90 - tappazuki sitting in seat 5 with $61.30 - bowhunter320 sitting in seat 6 with $12.81 HolyGuru posted the small blind - $0.25 tappazuki posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: 7 of Spades, Ace of Clubs bowhunter320 called - $0.50 JadedJ raised - $2.00 Coskun6 called - $2.00 rogerlej8 folded HolyGuru called - $2.00 tappazuki called - $2.00 bowhunter320 folded ** Dealing the flop: 7 of Hearts, 5 of Clubs, 2 of Spades HolyGuru checked tappazuki checked Question 1: Was this playable pre-flop? Question 2: Given that the flop's as good as I could have expected, what do I do now?
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Re: A7 in Shorthanded Cash Game I'm the same - I raise. I'm an agressive player and only play short handed cash games so I'd raise with it. A lot of the comments, IMO, are too passive for a short handed game. Sure, it's nice to play with premium hands only, but mix it up a little and if there's no-one limping, fire in 3xBB. Naturally, it depends on what type of player you feel comfortable being.

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