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Pokerstars (near) freeroll for $5000 at 2:00am


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50 poker points to enter .... $5000 prizepool + 3 bounties worth $215 for entry into the 1 Million dollar Sunday game..... 2:00am (registration starts 1:00 am) So anyone who's into staying up late...... suspect there will be 5000 entries (thats the max) and you'll need to be awake at (say) 6:00am to be amongst major winners :-). I'm only playing as they gave me 500pp for doing a survey. Think I'm going to go have a nap now :zzz :zzz :zzz .

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Re: Pokerstars (near) freeroll for $5000 at 2:00am WOW!! I've played some crazy freerolls before, but this one tops them all. 10,000 entrants - at first break 639 players left :loon :loon :loon . Blinds will be 1500/3000 after the break. I reckon 2.00am game will be finished by 4.30 with these blinds.

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Re: Pokerstars (near) freeroll for $5000 at 2:00am I'm tempted too ..... just discovered 70 FPP in my account...... If I do, then I might play the Mansion large value added games tonight too :unsure ..... Could be a late night - anyone for HORSE tomorrow morning? :loon :loon Notice there's a few of these (and $1000 ones too).....

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Re: Pokerstars (near) freeroll for $5000 at 2:00am

I'm tempted too ..... just discovered 70 FPP in my account...... If I do, then I might play the Mansion large value added games tonight too :unsure ..... Could be a late night - anyone for HORSE tomorrow morning? :loon :loon
Changed my mind - the Mansion game isn't till 3am and I'd probably be out of Pokerstars by then.... Good luck everyone who stays up for it :ok
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Re: Pokerstars (near) freeroll for $5000 at 2:00am I've stayed up for it..... went to Asda from 11-1 to do some Xmas shopping ... lets see how long I can stay awake - currently 1200th out of 2800 .... [memo to self] do not raid them Xmas Chocolate Boxes what I bought ... it only make you sleepy :lol .... they are meant for the grandkids .... do not open any booze, that definitely makes you sleepy.....

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Re: Pokerstars (near) freeroll for $5000 at 2:00am Out 1104th when decided to be aggressive 1 in front of dealer (all previous had folded) with AQs and went all-in (6*BB), unfortunately the SB had AA ..... Suspect I'm Going to be playing quite a few PokerStars freebie games over the next week courtesy of the 500fpps they gave me .... very nice of them considering I've had no money in there for a month or so ... one of those consigned to the dead file in a cleanup exercise. Another one of these tomorrow night at a more reasonable time (10:30pm?).

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