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Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney


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Re: Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney It's great that they've paid out - but I still find it incomprehensible that they are impossible to contact and "talk to" if you have issues that you need to discuss with them, and that they ignore correspondance!!!!! MCFC - how do you feel about them having returned from Oz? Was the package "up to scratch" in the end?

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Re: Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney I hate the tone of his message to be honest. The spftware glitch he speaks of is pokerroms problem (and their fault), not their clients. If clients have been misled over that, they have every right to question the fact they havent received their prizes.

Ladies and gentlemen, please put down your pitchforks and torches for a moment and hear me out.
Personally speaking, however, I must say that I'm a little disappointed to see so many being eager to jump on the bandwagon of hate, without first investigating the facts or background of the situation. It seems that some people just want to read the things that support their already formed picture of "the big, bad corporation ripping off the little guy". But things aren't always that black and white in reality.
My moneys staying well away from pokerrom if this patronising tosser is running things.
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Re: Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney

First off, let me just say that I urge you to draw your own opinions on this statement, but, for me, it is most unsatisfactory and cleary little more than an insincere apology littered with insults and patronisation. For the founder of a company to begin his statement by telling his customers, many of whom have remained loyal over many years, to "put down your pitchforks and torches" defies belief. Also, although comments such as "a software glitch caused the information in our game client to change to read that this tournament was a $19,000 guaranteed tournament" and "All promotional information given out to players stated the above information (ie. 19k guarantee)" are all good and well, but Oskar Hornell seems to be missing the whole point. YOU (Pokerroom) made the mistake, players joined this comp because of YOUR mistake so YOU have a moral (at the very least) olbigation to refund their winnings that YOU removed from their accounts without so much as a phone call. If they can't see that, then I truly despair.
Well said Snoopy!! Pokerroom IS shite imo, and as long as they're associated with Betwin I won't touch them with a Stokie's bankroll. :@
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Re: Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney I was victim last night to their software glitch. I mostly play on Full Tilt but after losing like hell for the last week decided to try Pokerroom again. I had $50 in my account there from ages ago so decided to have a go in the $2 Omaha rebuy. I held AAKJ double suited in the BB, I put limpers tax on everyone (ie raised the limpers by pot) all folded to SB who re raised pot, I reraised and so did he then it insta folded me. Still came 2nd though but thats not the point, they`ve had this glitch for over 2 years now and done nothing about it. And the owner of BWin is an arsehole, his reply at Beggar (Pokerroom) smacked of superiority and European lack of humour

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Re: Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney

It's great that they've paid out - but I still find it incomprehensible that they are impossible to contact and "talk to" if you have issues that you need to discuss with them, and that they ignore correspondance!!!!! MCFC - how do you feel about them having returned from Oz? Was the package "up to scratch" in the end?
My problem with them was one of a different kind GaF. The fact Pokeroom desolved themselves of any responsibility the moment I had won the trip was my gripe. They refused to answer any phone calls or emails and said the trip was nothing to do with them it was in the hands of the hospitality company. Then when there was little holes in the trip - like no transfers and food!! pokerroom would not respond and the hospitality company kept saying we have provided what pokerroom have asked so take it up with them. Still to this day I have had no replies or contact from anyone at Pokerroom. The trip itself though was absolutely awesome :ok and even though it cost me a tidy packet it was well worth the experience. (I still hope the fckers rot in hell though)
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Re: Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney Brian, The Ashes tourney you entered promised this: "Test your Poker skills on PokerRoom.com at one of the four final tables and win Ashes packages to Australia including flights, transfers, accommodation for two at a four-star hotel and Ashes tickets. The whole package is worth a bail smashing £5,790 ($10,984)!" What would you say the value was that you received? How far short was it from the £5,790 promised?

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Re: Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney Is poker room a skin for a network or an idependant operation ( must be the only site I dont have an account with). If a skin, dose the operator not have some responsibility or at least interest in its skins conduct. I am currently in dispute with a prima skin and cannot find any way of contacting Prima. Looked at the pokerromm site and saw their membership of eCogra, well accordng to eCogra's web site they will sort this out for you MCFC. Or is eCogra just another meaningless internet certificate.

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Re: Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney I'm having problems with a pokerrroom skin powerpoker which has closed down and has this on their website; As you may already have known, PowerPlayer.com is no longer a part of the OnGame Network. We are currently in the process of receiving from OnGame Network a final accounting of player balances so that we can clear all accounts before re-launch. If you have an active balance with PowerPlayer.com, you will be receiving a check in the mail within a few days of our receiving final accounting from OnGame. PowerPlayer.com will be back in operation in the next 30-60 days with more funding options, more players and faster, more reliable games. However 3 months later and numerous unanswered emails to ongame and powerplayer I still don't have my money.

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