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Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney


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Re: Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney In case the post gets deleted.

Big Xmas guarantee that wasn't December 18, 2006 at 11:52:31 Post 1 On the 15th of December I received an email from Pokeroom advertising " The big xmas tourneys" to be played on the 16th and 17th of December. I entered the $20 + 2 xmas tourney that had an advertised prizemoney of GUARANTEED $19000 and the winner was also to get a $2000 flat tv screen. I came 4th in the tourney and a consequence I received prize money of around $1200. With my account all cashed up I played a few tourneys over the last 2 days which left my account balance of around $900. About 1 hour ago my whole balance disapeared. When I contacted support they told me that they had made a mistake and they had overpaid us. they say that they are still looking into it but all money has been detacted. Is it fair??? If they advertised $19000 guaranteed tournament shouldn't they stick to their word??
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Re: Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney

Bang out of order Will only end up in Bad publicity for them, I am sure they will change their mind and give it back
Fat Chance. They are banning people for complaining on their forum, including Mods!!! I see another Goalpoker fiasco on the Horizon!!!
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Re: Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney UNbelievable!! I thought Pokerroom were one of the big boys - respected and reliable I thought wrong!!!! Wonder if they are in financial troubles? :unsure Suddenly backtracking on prizes like this might suggest that (and was the first sign with owngoalpoker)

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Re: Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney I received an offer from them the other day for a $100 deposit bonus. I was going to play it, as I've had reasonable success in their cash games in the past. I've just changed my mind, so they've lost at least one customer. :@ :@ :@

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Re: Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney PokerRoom is in my dead poker sites folder with the magnificant amount of 35 cents in there - sounds like this is one site that will never get ressurected from that folder. Looks to me that this gtd event (which I''m now glad I missed) was basically a cock-up by the marketeers. They shoved it on the list and then forgot to publicise it enough (or over-estimated the number of $20 mtt players) so that there weren't enough players to get anywhere near the payout. Their fault - they should honour their guarantee or lose all credibility in the poker market - no-one wants to play with people who don't pay up when they lose.

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Re: Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney another joke site, tried reg'ing months ago, they would accept my address and postcode but not the fact I was in the UK, wouldnt believe I wasnt in the US, would accept me as a member, but I wanted to change country of residence I had to send all sorts of info in. My response - forget it - goodbye

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Re: Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney This is shameless, I knew something very wrong was going on there at least a year ago. I was banned from their forum last October for speaking out against them, my bruv was too. This is a joke though, the Mod who got banned was IABoomer, a friend of me and Rons from America, when they sold out to BWin they decided to sack the mods from their forum and install "player mods", DJDaddio is a good one there, he speaks out against them all the time. In fact Ron and me talk to him on TB Cellphone (MSN), he`s the one who ran a campaign against 3 known colluders this time last year to no effect. The story behind that was Daddio was off work through illness so was playing loads of poker, the high limit SNGs $200-$1000 ones. Anyway, he found the same 3 people would play constantly in them all the time, he did a bit of research and dug into their stats and came to the obvious conclusion that they were colluders. Squeeze play, raise reraise rereraise fold plays, etc. He gave all his findings to Pokerroom, end result "We will look into it", the next day he got an email saying they were banned. So, a week later hes playing again and they`re still at it from another skin of Ongame. Pokerroom hadn`t informed the other networks of these cheaters so they were still merrily at it.

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Re: Pokerroom withdraw more prizes after the tourney Hi. I was also a once dedicated Poker Room player. Then Bwin bought them.It`s been a steep downhill ride from there.Just when you think they`ve hit a new low, they stoop even further into the abyss of punter avoidance. terrible company to be ignored at all costs, they simply cannot be trusted.

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