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How was my play?


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had this hand earlier, my only losing session of the day. could i have avoided the result? Seat 6 is the button Total number of players : 6 Seat 3: wildbobby ( $16.15 ) Seat 5: ubr_dash ( $34.70 ) Seat 6: z26745507 ( $23.95 ) Seat 1: M_Man79th ( $15.35 ) Seat 2: tobi123456 ( $33.90 ) Seat 4: Axeman80 ( $25.80 ) M_Man79th posts small blind [$0.10]. tobi123456 posts big blind [$0.25]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to M_Man79th [ Ks Kh ] wildbobby folds ubr_dash folds z26745507 raises [$1] M_Man79th raises [$2.90] tobi123456 folds z26745507 calls [$2] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 2d, 2h, 6d ] M_Man79th bets [$5] z26745507 calls [$5] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 9h ] M_Man79th is all-In [$7.35] z26745507 calls [$7.35] ** Dealing River ** [ 6s ] M_Man79th shows [ Ks, Kh ]two pairs, Kings and Sixes. z26745507 shows [ 4c, 6c ]a full house, Sixes full of Twos. >You have options at Table 127157 Table!. >You have options at Table 126637 Table!. z26745507 wins $29.45 from the main pot with a full house, Sixes full of Twos.

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Re: How was my play? Sounds like you came up against a super aggressive player there who somewhat got fortunate there mate. Raising initially was a bold move but calling your subsequent raise was even more so. I dont think you did much wrong, although id have been a bit wary of him holding another 2 to hit trips.

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Re: How was my play? what 2 would he be holding? A2 or 22? both are poor calls PF and in general you shouldn't be worried about either of those holdings in this sort of hand - if he has quads then good luck, but the chaces are he hasn't - 99 or 66 are more likely, two medium PP he might raise with and then call a re-raise with (tho to call with the 66 is LAAG for me) you played it fine MP - bad beat etc Damo

Sounds like you came up against a super aggressive player there who somewhat got fortunate there mate. Raising initially was a bold move but calling your subsequent raise was even more so. I dont think you did much wrong, although id have been a bit wary of him holding another 2 to hit trips.
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Re: How was my play? I think you played this hand well too. Want to add tho, given what you just said about your play being aggressive short-handed (nothing wrong with that) - while I'm not exactly sold on it, I don't hate the call with 46c here either for $2 into that pot, bearing in mind your respective stacks. Mid-low suited connectors like that can make a lot of winning hands, most of which are well camouflaged, so if he's been watching you, and with him not knowing you have kings, he might have reason to expect the implied odds to see a flop here. Your flop bet was perfect - in general he should be raising you here to find out if his sixes are good, but you made it just the right amount that he'd be getting pot committed if he did so. His first really horrible call was the turn. And if he did think you had nothing based on your betting, that says you bet it right - you want him to think you have nothing and make a bad call. You'll bust a bit more but there's way more value in getting calls like that vs folds in the long term. But I don't think he really had the info to think that - your pre-flop reraise sends out a pretty clear message, it'd have been a counter-intuitive time to get aggressive if you were just making a move.

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