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Min/Max Buy In


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Oh dear here we go again, the reason i am putting on this thread is i have taken a u-turn. i now buy in mostly for the max and feel i am winning even more than before! I think the reason is being more comfortable at the level you are playing at. i moved through the levels pretty quick and probably used the min buy in as a saftey net ( which i would recommend) but once you are comfy enough and have the roll max buy in pays dividends quicker. Since i moved to the $25/50 game i find i do not have to play very long anymore to make a serious amount of money ( which means my rake will probably suffer) but i don't mind that as i now have more time on my hands. Well i will be keen to see what you all make of this as a few of you did say this at the time cheers the mole

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Re: Min/Max Buy In

I suspose there is pro's and con's to both, regardless of limits, many which were explored in the last thread - made very good reading BTW. A question - what is the max you can take on a $25/50 table ?
minimum is 1k maximum is 5k
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Re: Min/Max Buy In

:eek :eek :eek .......maybe one day :notworthy
Have you seen the hand histories he's posted mate? Sums like $20,000 in a single pot!!! :loon :loon This is real cash...... Do a search for threads started by The Mole if you haven't seen them :ok
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Re: Min/Max Buy In

Have you seen the hand histories he's posted mate? Sums like $20' date='000 in a single pot!!! :loon :loon This is real cash...... Do a search for threads started by The Mole if you haven't seen them :ok[/quote'] Thanx gaf its nice to be taken seriously, I hope i can be an asset for the future on PL. And also to pick up a few pointers like in this thread.
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Re: Min/Max Buy In

Thanx gaf its nice to be taken seriously' date=' I hope i can be an asset for the future on PL. And also to pick up a few pointers like in this thread.[/quote'] I think it's tough for us to give "advice" - as we have seen from your posts - the game seems very different at your level, and few of us have experienced it - but when I get to that level :tongue2 I'll be happy to discuss strategy with you till the cows come home.....
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Re: Min/Max Buy In

I think it's tough for us to give "advice" - as we have seen from your posts - the game seems very different at your level' date=' and few of us have experienced it - but when I get to that level :tongue2 I'll be happy to discuss strategy with you till the cows come home.....[/quote'] The thing is Gaf i have learned a few things already ie max buy in and that is how the forum should work, its easy for me to make it sound like bragging but that is never my intention. i enjoy the banter and picking up a few tips, but sharing the experiences is is the main thing
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Re: Min/Max Buy In http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=36196 Thats the thread, may as well have it there so we know what it was all about to start with. The talk about not being able to share opinions/give advice etc is bollocks btw (not directing that comment to the mole here, just people in general). I personally class myself able to give some advice/decent thoughts to any player on any hand if they ask for it, as can many players on here I am sure. Just cos a player is on a higher level does not make them infallable to mistakes or anything, great professionals make mistakes all the time its the way it is. I say all this cos I notice a lot of people seem to take what the mole says as gospel or something, it isnt that its just an opinion (a well informed one I am sure) and the fact he is now mainly using max buy in is proof of that.

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Re: Min/Max Buy In I'm not sure we can I had some short term success with that strategy, but you need to hit hands early before the blinds go through you twice (three times at most) you get a hand in the first orbit and you will get paid Damo

There was never any question in my mind max buy in was the way forward to make the most money if youre a good player. I hope we can now put that argument to rest. Anyone got a link to the old thread with the original 'argument'?
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Re: Min/Max Buy In I agree everyone makes mistakes and changes their strategy - for now mole has, it might change - but in the end it is peoples own comfort zone that counts we can all offer advice and thoughts, but no one is actually right - from my perspective the only 'right' way given what limited knowledge we have is mathematically (i.e. I am giving/getting the correct odds to force the error/make the correct call) I would say that professionals make less mistakes than us mere mortals, and that is why they are professionals Damo

Just cos a player is on a higher level does not make them infallable to mistakes or anything' date=' great professionals make mistakes all the time its the way it is. I say all this cos I notice a lot of people seem to take what the mole says as gospel or something, it isnt that its just an opinion (a well informed one I am sure) and the fact he is now mainly using max buy in is proof of that.[/quote']
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