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**Poker Monday 18th December**


**Poker Monday 18th December**  

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    • No poker
    • 08:00 Mansion $500 Added
    • 08:30 Pokerstars Limit Omaha H/L
    • 19:00 SO Paradise Safety Net
    • 19:30 SO Paradise Premier League
    • 19:30 Betfair 12 Plays Team Challenge
    • 19:32 Pokerstars Limit Omaha H/L
    • 21:30 Pokerstars Limit Holdem
    • 02:00 Mansion $1000 Added
    • 03:00 Mansion $5000 Added

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Re: **Poker Monday 18th December**

Looks like it's been amended. Now says 2000 starting chips and 15 minute blinds. Red.
Its a bug in the Betafair software - one of the few left to be honest, as i think its now a really good site. Even on the STT's you get conflicting messages in the blue square as to Blinds and Levels
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Re: **Poker Monday 18th December** I'm out - bennyboi raises UTG all in (blinds 25/50!!) - I am next to act - 74 sooted .....have him covered so reraise all in .... everyone else folds round to BB who calls ..... Benny turns over JJ, BB turns over 76o .... BennyBoi triples up ...... I was right to call I think (pre flop it was my largest ev play), as was the BB. That's why I always feel bounties have a large advantage in an MTT.....people will call with worse hands!!! (and be right to do so if the bounty is big enough) I just can't believe 5 people at my table folded pre flop -!!!!!!

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Re: **Poker Monday 18th December** Got Bengt on my table and just bluffed him off a big hand.He's only got 1550 left and im calling every raise he puts in(i've got 5544chips) i want his bounty and cos he's knocked a $100 one out himself that i believe is added onto his. $1100 come to daddy.

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Re: **Poker Monday 18th December** New to this bounty lark - do they carry forward? For example, sazzyq with a $100 bounty knocked out benyboi with a $1000 bounty. Is sazzyq now worth $1100? Just asking - sorry if it's an obvious answer.

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Re: **Poker Monday 18th December**

Had 2 of them on my table 1k (pkrsomething) and 50, which was discon. After 30mins of folding, 1k goes all in (everyone had him covered). 5 callers including me with 75o :lol (was that good move?). He wins with AA :loon. :\
Thought that was the other Heniek cos it said Poland next to it.Still i split the side pot and only lost 500 with me J6 sooted.Did you get the discon at all Hen.I'm playing under Damsel:$ . Edit forgot i took you out on that hand Hen:$
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Re: **Poker Monday 18th December** ul sharpe1ne,i must say though that last nights game was one of the best fields i have played against,didnt come across any muppetry at all,a very professional tournament and the sort of standard we all need to play against to improve our games,my failing last night was all down to me and the loss of concentration near the end when i started playing hands i should have walked away from,but as long i can learn from that all will be well:ok

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