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Aussie Millions Channel 5


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Was watching this last night and two guys started to have a argument, it got abit heated. During it the tourny ref stepped in and asked the two of them to stop. He said that if they didn't there would be 'penalties' my question is what are these penalties, what is the scope, does it range from chip lose to getting kicked out of tourny also has this every happened to anyone here, have u been involved in a heated argument of seen it happen

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Re: Aussie Millions Channel 5 It generally means been forced to leave the table for a set amount of time (10 mins, 20 mins etc) depending on the severity of the infraction. Matusow at WSOP 2005(?) Main Event had the infamous one for dropping the f-bomb several times when being asked to leave the table and wound up getting a considerable penalty. As far as I know, they can't/won't take chips from you, but when you are away from the table you will still have to post blinds and antes so you do suffer that way. You can, if the incident is bad enough, be booted from the tournament. It all comes down to the discretion of the Tournament Director. And I've never seen anything like that from last night when I've played. The games are a lot more civil, probably because there's less at stake. I have seen a few people get a tad upset with each other, but that's par for the course.

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