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Inside Edge - January issue


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edit for more content: As this is the 1st all poker issue I have decided to have a proper read of everything as i said previously - two articles jump out at me as outstanding, the Chris Ferguson interview and the Bankroll management one the experts discussion of the cards is good this month too as they focus on marginal hands rather than the usual premium PP stuff they do so you now know how to play 77 Q9o and AKs Continuation betting gets another show as well - not as good as Alex's piece a couple of months ago but not bad - and it talks about what you opponent might have and call with giving their chip stack, and the whys/wherefores of making the vlaue bet I like Julian Garners pieceon playing the final table when down to 4 or so - good solid advice that everyone should read Lou Krieger offers an intersting discussion on checking (gasp - not making moves and betting but CHECKING......) its nice to see something different for a change Lee Munzers article is about learning - quite straight forward but worth a peek at The rest of the mag is the usual standard Intersting to read Inside Edge purely as a poker mag now - not sure I like it - tho my sports betting is not extensive it did make a nice change to spot a value bet every so often Will see how long IE can keep putting out decent articles Cheers Damo

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Guest gazza271

Re: Inside Edge - January issue Would love to have a read but this should be the first edition of my new subscription but not here yet :sad Will give them a ring tomorrow if the postie comes empty handed :@

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