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Did I play this poorly ??


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Dec 8 07:15:43] : Hand Start.
[Dec 8 07:15:43] : Seat 1 : evilrider has $1,700
[Dec 8 07:15:43] : Seat 2 : DvLn1220 has $1,630
[Dec 8 07:15:43] : Seat 3 : foolsgold99 has $3,250
[Dec 8 07:15:43] : Seat 4 : ilustrado3 has $3,260
[Dec 8 07:15:43] : Seat 8 : 4riverqn has $1,210
[Dec 8 07:15:43] : Seat 9 : Tucker116 has $6,950
[Dec 8 07:15:43] : Tucker116 is the dealer.
[Dec 8 07:15:43] : evilrider posted small blind.
[Dec 8 07:15:43] : DvLn1220 posted big blind.
[Dec 8 07:15:43] : Game [30] started with 6 players.
[Dec 8 07:15:43] : Dealing Hole Cards.
[Dec 8 07:15:43] : Seat 3 : foolsgold99 has Kd Kh
[Dec 8 07:15:51] : foolsgold99 called 100 and raised 400
[Dec 8 07:15:23] : ilustrado3 folded.
[Dec 8 07:15:25] : 4riverqn folded.
[Dec 8 07:15:28] : Tucker116 called 500
[Dec 8 07:15:29] : evilrider folded.
[Dec 8 07:15:29] : DvLn1220 folded.
[Dec 8 07:15:30] : Dealing flop.
[Dec 8 07:15:30] : Board cards [Jc 3d Jh]
[Dec 8 07:15:33] : Stakes: 50/100 Current level: 3 Next level in: 12 min.
[Dec 8 07:15:37] : foolsgold99 bet 2,750 and is All-in
[Dec 8 07:15:39] : Tucker116 called 2,750
[Dec 8 07:15:40] : Showdown!
[Dec 8 07:15:40] : Seat 3 : foolsgold99 has Kd Kh
[Dec 8 07:15:43] : Seat 3 : foolsgold99 has Kd Kh
[Dec 8 07:15:43] : Seat 9 : Tucker116 has Js Jd
[Dec 8 07:15:47] : Board cards [Jc 3d Jh Ks 8h]
[Dec 8 07:15:47] : Seat 3 : foolsgold99 has Kd Kh
[Dec 8 07:15:47] : foolsgold99 has Full House : Kings full of Jacks
[Dec 8 07:15:47] : Seat 9 : Tucker116 has Js Jd
[Dec 8 07:15:47] : Tucker116 has Four of a kind: Jacks
[Dec 8 07:15:47] : Tucker116 wins 6,650 with Four of a kind: Jacks
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Re: Did I lay this poorly ?? Well you certainly ran into a hand there :\ Pre flop, spot on. I never like to see a picture paired board on the flop when you hold an overpair. BUT its rainbow which means you can play it differently if you want to when you hold AA or KK (only those 2). Non rainbow and you must bet/go all in I think. You can either check and hope the other guy bets (if he does he aint got it and youre good) then check raise all in. If he checks behind theres hardly a bad free card to give which is why you can trap here if you want. OR you can bet a weak looking CB type bet like 400/500 and hope he makes a play at you and goes all in, then you call if he does. He may fold, obviously thats fine also. If he calls hmmmm, alarm bells. OR you can just go all in and try and shut down the pot like you did. But by doing that you may only get called by a Jack here (or 33 obviously). Thing is though with that good a pot I dont think you can ever really fold that hand with any conviction with these stacks, so its just a bit unlucky really. Youve no right to not think youre good at all. The plays I mentioned above are to make more/save money in a deep stacked cash game really although you could use them in any game.

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Re: Did I play this poorly ?? you might value bet that flop - say 800-1100 or so and see what happens if the womble has nowt, he is probably folding anyway - if he shoves - well then you have to judge him by shoving you are only getting called by a better hand (well 80% of the time that is the other 20% is AK 1010 etc) not sure a shove is the best answer here, you have a premium PP and want paying off, so let him call an 800 bet or so with 55 AQ etc and then shove the turn instead (I am ignoring the JJ obviously) Damo

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Re: Did I play this poorly ?? I think you played it wrong postflop, but not because you went broke with it, as I see it the problem is not what happens when you are bwhind, then you will always go broke. The problem is what happens when you are in front, if he has an underpair he has 2 outs, if he has an ace he has 3 outs (i don´t belive he has called a bet for 500 preflop with anything with a 3, and there is no draws). So I think you must give Villain a chance to bluff at the pot, either check or bet ½ pot, unlike Robilaruk I doN´t think there is anything to think about with that flop, you want to get all his money in on the flop, and if he has the aces or a J, it is just tough luck. (don`t get me wrong its because pot its about 40% of your remaining stack on the flop, if it had been under 20% then you might consider giving it up, but even then, I think you had to have a read on the player that he was unlikely to bluff)

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Re: Did I play this poorly ?? Thanks for the feedback guys (and girl), certainly got something to think about. Not sure how I'd get away from this one, If I'd bet out 400, and he pushed in return, I'd mostly likely call, putting him on 10 10 or QQ. Although the fold here would be the right move. At some point he's going to want to get money in the pot, and after I hit my third king on the turn to make my boat. i'd put myself 100% ahead and call anything.

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Re: Did I play this poorly ??

Not sure how I'd get away from this one
Yeah as I said
Thing is though with that good a pot I dont think you can ever really fold that hand with any conviction with these stacks, so its just a bit unlucky really. Youve no right to not think youre good at all.
So dont think you actually made a mistake, I just suggested alternate means of playing it that could have made you more $$$ in usual circumstances.
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Re: Did I play this poorly ?? Just had another humdinger. I hold KQ pre flop, I raised 5 x BB, get 4 callers. flop a straight with 9 10 J on the board. :eek Raise another 5 x BB 3 callers this time Turn comes out a J, I raise 5 x BB, and are reraised all-in. I (correctly) put the villian on 2 pair or trip J's . He turns over J K. I breath a sigh of relief. Other 2 players fold. The river gives us another 9 to make his full house and beat me. :wall :wall :wall

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