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Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December


Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December  

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Re: Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December

Just adding my tenpennorth on *boneidle*'s recent arrival of sorts on the forum, I remembered that I had to wait last December for the password, as I was not a member when the competition was announced - fair enough, those are the rules of the forum, as advised by Pene last December. Do I assume that the elusive "Call Me Daddy!" joined before 3rd July? Just for my own curiosity, how on earth did he (apologies now if this is a female player) request and then acquire the password? No PM facility until you have 50 posts, and no formal request on the thread (nor any posts at all, or a signed-in visit today). Is this person really the Scarlet Pimpernel? They seek him here, they seek him there ... My own conspiracy theory is that it is the alternate username of an existing PL'er, who enters the tourney twice, then carries on as *boneidle* when knocked out. Just interested, that's all. McG :\
First off the consipiracy theory - I've had a look at IP addresses and the indication is that it is NOT an existing PL'r .... but your post did make me wonder too...... As Helen says - the request was by voting in the thread - on reflection, we decided to PM him the password. He can receive PM's from Admins. I appreciate this looks unfair from where you are sitting - the truth is, we don't have hard and fast rules - we try and use our judgement, we try and do what is best - that may mean that there are some slight inconsistencies :$ The aim though is not to exclude people who wish to be part of the community, at the same time as keeping people here just for the value of the tournament out. In general, we will be more restrictive with freerolls than buy in events as buy in's (even $1) don't attract the same mass of "freeloaders"..... I have to confess, it was a bit disappointing that there have been no posts at all from him, and that requests in the poker chat box for identity clarification were ignored - however he is in for the whole month now (we've accepted him into the series) - next month we will review his entry again(as with everyone elses).
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