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Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December


Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December  

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Re: Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December I'm in! On no I'm not .... found another game I'm already committed to and feel my confused brain cannot handle 3 games at once .... of course if I'm out of the league game before eight I'll sign up again :clap Oh I yes I am ... wnet out of the league early on when my AA lost to fenners 55 (5 on flop - he passed I went all in and boom I'm dead... at least my chips went to a Punters Lounger and someone who (if memory serves me right) can't overtake me on the table. Go on Andy take all those players below me out :ok

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Re: Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December Well done davey - nice win on the night :clap :clap :clap Unlucky Gazblades - you had a huge lead all night and just got pipped at the post :clap :clap :clap Well done runadrum on winning the series :clap :clap :clap The freeroll is still on Boss - even though the league was on Paradise .......

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Re: Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December cheers GaF - nice second overall I thought / hoped I'd hung on but I kept seeing ways I could be caught. Well done everyone in the money both tonight and overall. :clap :clap I think it's the first time I've won a PL League so I'm chuffed. :ok

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Re: Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December

Well done runadrum on winning the series :clap :clap :clap
Unlucky GaF, if you'd held on a little bit longer you could have pipped Runadrum. :clap Nice win Runa, been a good last few weeks for you with this and winning the GOA trip. :dude Red.
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Re: Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December

Unlucky GaF, if you'd held on a little bit longer you could have pipped Runadrum. :clap Nice win Runa, been a good last few weeks for you with this and winning the GOA trip. :dude Red.
cheers Red I was lucky again that the numbers tailed off - 40 players tonight rather than 31 and it could have been a totally different result.
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Re: Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December

Well done davey - nice win on the night :clap :clap :clap Unlucky Gazblades - you had a huge lead all night and just got pipped at the post :clap :clap :clap Well done runadrum on winning the series :clap :clap :clap The freeroll is still on Boss - even though the league was on Paradise .......
any idea when the freeroll is?
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  • 6 months later...

Re: Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December

:welcome McG... please see reply above about our league policy :ok
Just adding my tenpennorth on *boneidle*'s recent arrival of sorts on the forum, I remembered that I had to wait last December for the password, as I was not a member when the competition was announced - fair enough, those are the rules of the forum, as advised by Pene last December. Do I assume that the elusive "Call Me Daddy!" joined before 3rd July? Just for my own curiosity, how on earth did he (apologies now if this is a female player) request and then acquire the password? No PM facility until you have 50 posts, and no formal request on the thread (nor any posts at all, or a signed-in visit today). Is this person really the Scarlet Pimpernel? They seek him here, they seek him there ... My own conspiracy theory is that it is the alternate username of an existing PL'er, who enters the tourney twice, then carries on as *boneidle* when knocked out. Just interested, that's all. McG :\
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Re: Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December

Just for my own curiosity' date=' how on earth did he (apologies now if this is a female player) request and then acquire the password? No PM facility until you have 50 posts, and no formal request on the thread (nor any posts at all, or a signed-in visit today).[/quote'] I raised the same query yesterday and then realised that he had voted in the poll so would be on the list for the password to be sent from that. So that's one mystery solved. :ok
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