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Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December


Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December  

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Re: Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December

Great place to be ... I have deposited some cash trough your site (sporting and Titan) Would like to be in this MTT league.. pls send me the password account name at sporting is : Ram0n3s
:welcome to the lounge Lillacarin We have a policy about our forum leagues: to participate you have to be a member of the forum on the day it is announced. I am afraid you can not be a part of this one. Stick around and there will be loads of leagues to play in :ok
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Guest gazza271

Re: Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December May miss the first few minutes of tonights game,picking up brother in law from Gatwick at 1910hrs......... enjoy me blinds :ok

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Re: Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December

:welcome to the lounge Lillacarin We have a policy about our forum leagues: to participate you have to be a member of the forum on the day it is announced. I am afraid you can not be a part of this one. Stick around and there will be loads of leagues to play in :ok
Yes Please - what is the password?
:welcome McG... please see reply above about our league policy :ok
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Re: Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December K2 - chuffing K2 for 10% of his stack PF how could he call (fenners that is) :sad and a lovely 2 on the river :lol Damo ps I think they were sooooooooooooooooted, which obviously explains it all :) PPS fenner - you better win it now :)

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Re: Sporting Odds (Paradise) MTT League December Unlucky runadrum - I knew it was my night when with about 6 players, all in pre flop, you called my KT with AK and I rivered a T (I think) - you had me covered, so I was playing for my tournament!!!! Well done all on the final table :clap :clap :clap

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