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Virgin $15k freeroll-23/12/06


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Re: Virgin $15k freeroll-23/12/06 nice spot jolly.Just been in touch with live support and i,ve met the qualifying criteria already :ok .Also noticed registration opens 2 hours b4 tourney starts,i think it might keep numbers down as people forget about these things.Hope to see alot of PL there :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana

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Re: Virgin $15k freeroll-23/12/06 Its not (as far as I can tell) on the old SO (still boss) site .... think thats because raked hands are easier on SO and also qualify you for 50Up - if it was then it would be exceeding good value.....

I think if you try and register for the tourney, It tells you how many you have.....
ah.... but you can't register till registration opens ...... and at that point it may be too late to earn the count you require......
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Re: Virgin $15k freeroll-23/12/06 Question: Any one know if the criteria for a counting a raked hand on Virgin is the same as on SO (i.e. any rake of any hand you conributed to makes it a raked hand) ..... PokerHeaven seems to suggest that it uses this criteria viz piece of text from their site

A raked hand is a cash hand in which you contribute to the pot with betting or blinds, this hand must reach the flop and the pot must be of a sizeable amount (over $1) for the house to take a rake (%). You need only be involved in the hand, losing or folding will still result in the hand going towards your raked hand total, additionally each cash tournament will add one raked hand towards your total. pokerheaven.com shall collect a "rake" not to exceed $3 per pot, except in games featuring stakes of $1-$2 or lower, where the maximum rake is $1. The rake shall be collected as per the tables below:
Depending on the answer I may open an account on PokerHeaven to qualify for this freeroll.
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Re: Virgin $15k freeroll-23/12/06 worth checking your raked hands for this one. On the 23rd December at 18.00 we're running an exclusive $15,000 freeroll for our loyal customers. The only criteria is that you play at least 250 raked hands between the 1st and 23rd December. The tournament will open for registration 2 hours before the start and has a maximum capacity of 1500 players so make sure you're there early to take your seat!!

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Re: Virgin $15k freeroll-23/12/06

From my experiment yesterday it looks as though any hand that is raked anything on Virgin counts towards your rake count provided you contributed to pot - therefore 250 raked hands should be reasonably priced (or even profitable) and reasonably fast.
I have been trying all week to qualify for this on Virgin. I have been playing on various 10c tables and I estimate have played 300+ hands only to be told by Virgin that only 9 counted as raked hands. 3 emails later I finally got a description of a raked hand from them as follows 'Thank you for the email regarding your poker account. We can confirm that you currently have contributed a total of 9 raked hands. Please bear in mind that this information is updated on our system every 2 hours. In order for the house to take a rake the pot must be over $1.00 and tournaments do not count as a raked hand.' So last night I reckon I played 70+ raked hands on four different 10c tables and one 25c table on this basis only to be told today that none of them counted with their reply below 'Thank you for the email regarding your poker account. So far this month you have 9 raked hands. We can confirm that some tables are excluded from raking hands. It is Possible that you may be playing on excluded tables.' What is this about? I can see rake being taken from my pots but it doesn't count as a raked hand! No one who has posted this link seems to have had any difficulty with this. Does anyone have any explanations or advice please.
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Re: Virgin $15k freeroll-23/12/06 Griff, I'm not sure how you worded your email but if you just asked for a raked hand count they possibly thought you wanted it in relation to a bonus, which does require higher rakes. (like the sign up bonus) I specificly asked for my hands towards the tourney and they said 321. Only GaF could stop within one hand of the requirement

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Re: Virgin $15k freeroll-23/12/06

Only GaF could stop within one hand of the requirement
Hehe - I was pleasantly surprised/impressed when they said I had 251 raked hands - I knew I was going along at 15 RH per table per hour, but didn't think I had planned it that tight!!!!
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