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Poker Tells


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Not sure if this goes in live or strategy., but here goes..... I'm now playing at least half of my poker live, certainly more than half in terms of value. so i've started paying more attention to the people and less to the cards, i thought it'd be a good idea if we shared comon tells we've picked up, both to help spot them in others and remove leaks from our own game. I'll start with one I look at the players when the board cards come out, the cards will not change, I can see them in 20 seconds. I'm always warry when people glance down at their own chips when the flop comes out. To me it showes their hand has improved and they are calculating their attack and working out how much they can raise. This tells me not to bluff into these guys, as they will call or reraise Anyone else care to add their fav tells in others...............

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Re: Poker Tells

I look at the players when the board cards come out
I do that too, but I've started to do and notice things people do to avoid giving away tells, so I suppose I'd call these Poker 'Hides'. One tell that I gave was looking too laidback and unconcerned when I had a monster hand by taking a look around the card room, taking a sip of my coffee etc. (I've stopped that, btw). I am managing to stare into a fixed point on a wall for as long as it takes for others to make their play whether I'm bluffing or not. It helps when there are TV's dotted around the place though.
I'm always warry when people glance down at their own chips when the flop comes out.
At my last live game I think I saw a player avoid giving this tell by keeping a fair sized stack of chips in his hands, so that when his turn to play came you didn't know his intention until the chips came over the line.
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Re: Poker Tells

Not sure if this goes in live or strategy., but here goes..... I'm now playing at least half of my poker live, certainly more than half in terms of value. so i've started paying more attention to the people and less to the cards, i thought it'd be a good idea if we shared comon tells we've picked up, both to help spot them in others and remove leaks from our own game. I'll start with one I look at the players when the board cards come out, the cards will not change, I can see them in 20 seconds. I'm always warry when people glance down at their own chips when the flop comes out. To me it showes their hand has improved and they are calculating their attack and working out how much they can raise. This tells me not to bluff into these guys, as they will call or reraise Anyone else care to add their fav tells in others...............
Chips is always a good give away. Watch the speed of how they put the chips in. A slow push is sly and they have a good hand, a fast one is so people see the confidence. Also if they slam down the chips they want people to notice they are raise big and this is a bluff. I Noticed this weekend is when people are vibrating thier leg, they have a good hand, this is very noticeable with new playes
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Re: Poker Tells except by not looking at someone as they bet how can you tell if they are bluffing? (you've read HoH right - the bit about the hands?) indeed by not observing your oppenents then how can you tell if they have any tells? seems a silly convoluted way to hide your own tells by not paying attention to anyones elses tells (if that makes sense LOL) Damo

I do that too, but I've started to do and notice things people do to avoid giving away tells, so I suppose I'd call these Poker 'Hides'. One tell that I gave was looking too laidback and unconcerned when I had a monster hand by taking a look around the card room, taking a sip of my coffee etc. (I've stopped that, btw). I am managing to stare into a fixed point on a wall for as long as it takes for others to make their play whether I'm bluffing or not. It helps when there are TV's dotted around the place though. At my last live game I think I saw a player avoid giving this tell by keeping a fair sized stack of chips in his hands, so that when his turn to play came you didn't know his intention until the chips came over the line.
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Re: Poker Tells unless they have parkinsons..... or their leg has gone dead from sitting on their lardy arse for a few hours and they are trying to wake it up?? :) I would say you are right about this - my 10 month old waggles her legs like mad when she gets excited though at a poker table they might start to get a bit suspicious if you keep peering under the table??? ;) Damo

I Noticed this weekend is when people are vibrating thier leg, they have a good hand, this is very noticeable with new playes
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Re: Poker Tells I played a game last night, (finished 9th out of 50 btw), there was a new player at my table, and was betting big; pretty soon worked out that whenever he bluffed he held his breath as he made the bet. He didn't last long after that :ok

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Re: Poker Tells

except by not looking at someone as they bet how can you tell if they are bluffing? (you've read HoH right - the bit about the hands?)
If I have Aces and I make a pre-flop raise would I give a sh*t? :D As a relative newbie in live casino's I'm more concerned with hiding my own than spotting others. Although I do watch players as they look at their cards and try and pick things up....
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