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befast story and pics


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well i have to say what an enjoyable evening of poker and i didnt even win! really glad all the guys came over and well done to MCFC and les for making it to the final three who then decided to split the pot between them each getting a nice 110 quid for their troubles.also thanks to the guys who won the money for donating forty quid to the charity of the month in winners poker room.very kind of you guys. i would like to say a huge thanks to winners for looking after us last night.not only did they supply us with the tables and chips but during a break they supplied us with burgers,chips,pizza and drinks.i would also like to thank the young man who acted as our tourney director who done all the stuff i wasnt sure about:ok.i knew it wasnt gonna be my night when my AK lost out to AJ with a jack hitting on the river but even worse was my all in AA losing out to 3 6 of hearts when he hit his flush:wall. i am definately looking to do this again earlyish next year maybe may or june so watch this space.once guys thanks again for coming over.hope you all got home safe.:clap few pics. tax monkey "hey where has all my chips gone" sorry to say he got the wooden spoon.:lol 263bd2ef6c.jpg MCFC66, a man in the money 27a97bf440.jpg dont worry les nearly bedtime e9f40aef5b.jpg

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Re: befast story and pics I would like to thank Mal and the rest of the NI guys for a fantastic time. As ever in Belfast the hospitality was second to none and Diane and myself had had a very good time (it was Diane's first time in Belfast and she loves it and wants to come back real soon ;)) It was good to meet steviep again and have a few beers, shame we never made it to the aftershow party but wobbly legs, torrential rain and taxi drivers got in the way. Mal, Ovalman and the rest of the NI guys were A1 and your company was most enjoyable (sorry for taking all your money :$). I enjoyed the casino 'Winners' and the structure and organisation of the poker was excellent, thanks to Mal for that and the Casino staff (I cant remember giving any money to charity though :unsure). Good to meet Les again and Dan it's a shame you are banned from everywhere in Belfast or you could have come on the next one :lol. And Lemonjon dont worry about missing it as Taxmonkey (the cockney mackem :)) drunk enough beer for the two of you, top man :clap:clap Only downside was the journey home due to the gales in Belfast and Liverpool it was a very rough flight, I think we were flying sideways at one point :puke ah well just another excuse for Diane to buy some new knickers :ok:ok

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Re: befast story and pics Had a great weekend in Belfast, very friendly place and the :beer goes down nicely:lol. Nice to meet Les and Dan again, as well as all the NI guys and MCFC and Diane. All top class people:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy Thanks to Mal/Lemonjon for organising it:ok

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Re: befast story and pics

Had a great weekend in Belfast, very friendly place and the :beer goes down nicely:lol. Nice to meet Les and Dan again, as well as all the NI guys and MCFC and Diane. All top class people:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy Thanks to Mal/Lemonjon for organising it:ok
lemonjon. whos that?;)
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Re: befast story and pics Thanks guy had a great weekend , always good to catch up with PL players nice to meet your good lady wife ( Diane ) MCFC to good for you and mad tax monkey again:loon managed to see alot of the city walking back and forth from the pubs and poker club looking for every one its just a shame i never got to drink alot :gimme ( all closed far to early ):cry nice to meet and play all the NI lads really had a great time:gimme special thanks to Mal for all his hard work and for collecting us from the airport hope to return the favour one day:ok last but not least i must work on my tan before i go back:lol

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Re: befast story and pics looks like a good night:) met a few of you guys earlier in the day but flaffed out on the poker. still annoyed at the dopey stuck up little bitch at the empire who wouldnt let a couple of guys in:( if you do another one , ill try not to forget about it this time:)

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