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Call me a skeptic


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I've been playing vc poker STT's ( I think this is a tribecca site ) for a while and I started to wonder about the number of times - when an all-in is called - that the player who has no chips left following the call loses. example : QQ goes all in with 1000 gets called by TJ but this player still has 1000 left and - as luck would have it - the TJ gets something and wins. :wall I know bad beats happen all the time so I started making a note of the results etc. I used a notebook ( nerd ! ) and started logging who was the winner in these situations. I only noted the result when the cards not yet drawn could make the difference either way. What I found was that out of 1056 two-people all ins the persons who still had chips won 684 of these compared to 372 with no chips. I logged the results about 100 to a page and not one page were the results in favour of the person with no chips. To be honest I'm doing ok so it's not sour grapes but it does make you wonder sometimes :)

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Re: Call me a skeptic I play on VC quite a lot and am a regular on the STT's mainly the $5 and sometimes the $10 and i have also noticed the same thing. At one point almost every time i looked at the chip stacks the higher chip stack would win, no matter what the cards were. The AA hitting trips and losing to a straight from JT. Anyway what's ur username on VC as i'll look out for you. My username is Psychosi.

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Re: Call me a skeptic The best measure is probably to chuck the cards into a calculator and get the percentage chance for each player and work out the expected value .... then sum up the total variance from the expected value ..... Someone more talented than I could probably do this automatically from the hand history file .......

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