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Some advice on whether this was the right move or not


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Hi there been signed up on PL since May but never actually contributed so thought i'd post something. Anyway playing in a $5 STT on VC and got abused for 10 minutes after making this play so thought i'd get a general opinion on this. 6 players left, i'm chip leader on just over 3000 chips, think it was about 3500 but was something like that. I'm in the big blind for 200 and the guy in 1st position goes all-in for 690. Gets folded round to me holding 9 2 off suit. 490 to call, 990 in the pot giving me pot odds of 2:1 right?? Therefore unless i put him on an overpair i'm getting about the correct odds to call? If i'm wrong here please say so as i'm not totally at ease with odds etc. Therefore given he's short stacked and desperate i dont put him on a pair and call. Hit my 9 on the flop and it holds up, then for the next 10 minutes he's abusing me in the chat box. I dont like putting my money in with such bad hands as 9 2os but given the odds and the chance so knock someone out thought it was a fair decision. Any advice on this would be great.

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Re: Some advice on whether this was the right move or not He folded A5 mrmuzeman so was a desperate move as i predicted. Still the way he carried on afterwards had a few of us on the table laughing. Gotafancy i've not heard anything about another king of poker, have you heard that there definately won't be one??

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Re: Some advice on whether this was the right move or not

He folded A5 mrmuzeman so was a desperate move as i predicted. Still the way he carried on afterwards had a few of us on the table laughing. Gotafancy i've not heard anything about another king of poker, have you heard that there definately won't be one??
was gonna say, bet the other guy had a "monster" like KJo or something, dont bother replying to fools like that in chat
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Re: Some advice on whether this was the right move or not you are about getting the right odds- if this was the bubble then definately an easy call for me depends whether you want fold to keep him a shortie and use him to bully others by stealing their blinds (as they want him to go out first etc) can't fault you for calling and just thank him for his abuse, and then wait for good cards and get called by someone else who thinks you are a fish! Cheers Damo ps i posted a series of these sort of questions previously - search for pop quiz and see what folks think

Hi there been signed up on PL since May but never actually contributed so thought i'd post something. Anyway playing in a $5 STT on VC and got abused for 10 minutes after making this play so thought i'd get a general opinion on this. 6 players left, i'm chip leader on just over 3000 chips, think it was about 3500 but was something like that. I'm in the big blind for 200 and the guy in 1st position goes all-in for 690. Gets folded round to me holding 9 2 off suit. 490 to call, 990 in the pot giving me pot odds of 2:1 right?? Therefore unless i put him on an overpair i'm getting about the correct odds to call? If i'm wrong here please say so as i'm not totally at ease with odds etc. Therefore given he's short stacked and desperate i dont put him on a pair and call. Hit my 9 on the flop and it holds up, then for the next 10 minutes he's abusing me in the chat box. I dont like putting my money in with such bad hands as 9 2os but given the odds and the chance so knock someone out thought it was a fair decision. Any advice on this would be great.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Some advice on whether this was the right move or not At the end of the day - I would just say to him I was going call either way. Nobody forced him to. You should normally expect to lose on that hand though in my opinion but part of the game is in the bluff - he could have just had something like 4-2 and thought "F@ck it - lets test the water"

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