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**Poker Saturday 2nd December**


**Poker Saturday 2nd December**  

  1. 1.

    • No Poker
    • 08:00 Mansion $500 Added
    • 08:30 Pokerstars Stud H/L
    • 10:30 Pokerstars Omaha H/L
    • 11:00 Betway Happy Saturday
    • 15:00 Pokerstars Limit Holdem
    • 15:00 Dream Poker Dirty Dozen
    • 17:30 Pokerstars Stud H/L
    • 19:00 Mansion $5000 Added
    • 20:00 Bet365 $5000 Freeroll

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Re: **Poker Saturday 2nd December** Back home and just starting to catch up a bit. :eek Are you sure the Maharajah Goa freeroll is Monday? It's confusing in the magazine as it says Sunday on one page and Monday on another. I've not got the site downloaded so can't check in the lobby. I know Runadrum downloaded it through the PP link and is intending to play but I don't think the reg was showing then.

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Re: **Poker Saturday 2nd December**

Back home and just starting to catch up a bit. :eek Are you sure the Maharajah Goa freeroll is Monday? It's confusing in the magazine as it says Sunday on one page and Monday on another. I've not got the site downloaded so can't check in the lobby. I know Runadrum downloaded it through the PP link and is intending to play but I don't think the reg was showing then.
Just checked, it on sunday at 18:00 according to lobby.
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Re: **Poker Saturday 2nd December**

Yes, well done Dave, and good luck everybody tonight. Do we know how many of us are playing?
3 out of the 53 are PL, and the final table gets paid.
  1. $3090
  2. $2060
  3. $1493.50
  4. $1133
  5. $824
  6. $618
  7. $463.50
  8. $360.50
  9. $257.50

This was correct at the time of writing, although just as I was typing 9th place some inconsiderate git just regged for it so it's slightly more now.

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Re: **Poker Saturday 2nd December**

3 out of the 53 are PL, and the final table gets paid.
  1. $3090
  2. $2060
  3. $1493.50
  4. $1133
  5. $824
  6. $618
  7. $463.50
  8. $360.50
  9. $257.50

This was correct at the time of writing, although just as I was typing 9th place some inconsiderate git just regged for it so it's slightly more now.

Lol, was that Telepe then?:loon
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Re: **Poker Saturday 2nd December** Good luck guys!!!:hope:hope I'd love to play in this one but just in after a 7 hour session :cheers:cheers:cheers (disguised as golf) I'm in the same boat for Sunday - actually I can't committ myself for any tourney from Friday till Sunday!! :loon I'm still quite happy to have a social life though!! :beer:beer I'm sure someone will do well - time to find a tourney!!! :ok C'mon the PL's!!!!:ok TQM

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Re: **Poker Saturday 2nd December**

im in' date='cant give up bpp without a fight dave:ok[/quote'] Should have known, here was me thinking i'd just have to concentrate on what i was doing!:sad Am sure you won't give it up easily, gl m8.:ok Hopefully we end heads up in this one, that would be a nice little earner! Good Luck to all PL's tonignt, is that 5 in now then? Prize pool up to over $16,000 and pays top 20 now!:nana :nana
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Re: **Poker Saturday 2nd December** ffs, out in 37th. Table been very active, get aces under the gun. Only flat call as know there will be a raise. Haven't played a hand for ages, so if i raised under the gun everyone would probably fold. I was right very active player AcousticLicks raised to 400 (2*BB), I re-raise to 1200, he raises me again, so I go all in for about 3500, I suppose he was pot commited by then, but what did he think I had? Anyway he turns over J J, obviously hits his J and i'm out.:@ He's now chip leader!:puke Good Luck Dodger, Gaf and the croc:ok

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Re: **Poker Saturday 2nd December** I was just blinding out into obscurity...didn't even have 2XBB left when my all in AK against 38 ...Ace hit the board but so did 38. The culprit?...AcousticLicks. Hope you two lads who are left can get in the money. Out in 31st!

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Re: **Poker Saturday 2nd December**

I was just blinding out into obscurity...didn't even have 2XBB left when my all in AK against 38 ...Ace hit the board but so did 38. The culprit?...AcousticLicks. Hope you two lads who are left can get in the money. Out in 31st!
Was hitting everything on my table as well, thought I'd trapped him good and proper with my aces, but alas he hit again!
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Re: **Poker Saturday 2nd December** Unlucky Dave..... :sad I was taken out by AQs v my AK :sad

HAND HISTORY DETAILS ***** Hand History for Game 15616722 ***** Buy in $5,000 Added! Hand start time: 2006-12-02 20:53:20 Seat 2 is the button Total number of players: 8 Seat 1: vip_modee(5,029.00) Seat 2: Trompi(8,040.00) Seat 3: Telepe(6,087.00) Seat 4: Seat 5: xDANGERZONEx(7,575.00) Seat 6: JanM(8,170.00) Seat 7: viper_muscle(11,529.00) Seat 8: jeremieadk(2,775.00) Seat 9: the_croc(2,982.00) Current Number of Players: 115 the_croc start position: 2,982.00 jeremieadk start position: 2,775.00 viper_muscle start position: 11,529.00 JanM start position: 8,170.00 xDANGERZONEx start position: 7,575.00 Telepe start position: 6,087.00 Trompi start position: 8,040.00 vip_modee start position: 5,029.00 Trompi posts ante (20) Telepe posts ante (20) xDANGERZONEx posts ante (20) JanM posts ante (20) viper_muscle posts ante (20) jeremieadk posts ante (20) the_croc posts ante (20) vip_modee posts ante (20) Telepe posts small blind (200) xDANGERZONEx posts big blind (400) Telepe is dealt down [As Kd] JanM folds viper_muscle folds jeremieadk folds the_croc folds vip_modee raises to (1200) Trompi raises to (8020) and is all-in Telepe calls (6067) and is all-in xDANGERZONEx folds vip_modee folds Trompi is refunded (1953) Trompi shows [Qc Ac] Telepe shows [As Kd] flop: [Th 2c 4c] turn: [Kh] river: [Kc] viper_muscle says: "gg" Telepe shows [As Kd] for three of a kind, kings viper_muscle says: "ul" Trompi shows [Qc Ac] for a flush, ace high Trompi wins (13894) the_croc says: "ul gaf" Telepe says: "gl croc" vip_modee end position: 3,809.00 Trompi end position: 15,847.00 Telepe end position: 0.00 xDANGERZONEx end position: 7,155.00 JanM end position: 8,150.00 viper_muscle end position: 11,509.00 jeremieadk end position: 2,755.00 the_croc end position: 2,962.00 Hand end time: 2006-12-02 20:54:20
The standard was nothing to be scared of, to the contrary - the SO CL is a significantly higher standard.......I'll definitely be playing this again......
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