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Betfair 12 Plays of Christmas - Event 1 Team Reindeer


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Re: Betfair 12 Plays of Christmas - Event 1 Team Reindeer It worked fine on my PC but doesn't seem to like my laptop. I've got a few other sites on my laptop and they work fine. My PC's away being fixed at the minute though so can't play on there which is why I've had to download it onto my laptop.

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Re: Betfair 12 Plays of Christmas - Event 1 Team Reindeer Gonna be on betfair all night at this rate - it seems to take a fair while to think between hands and I've been disconnected a couple of times...... looks like a war of attrition to me - bring back Cryptologic I say :lol [thought] surely its not waiting for all tables to finish each time.......

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Re: Betfair 12 Plays of Christmas - Event 1 Team Reindeer At the first break and Team PuntersLounge Christmas Turkeys doing ok :ok 265 entrants starting with 2500 chips each - 224 left Burnley Joe 6554 (6) :loon Dave488 2779 (95) fennersPL 1625 (189) Telepe 2670 (103) Remember guys, even if you get short stacked .... just hang in there every hand you can ......

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Re: Betfair 12 Plays of Christmas - Event 1 Team Reindeer Last hand before the break - had JJ on the SB - there was a raise and large reraise before me - If I played, I was virtually all in - normally I'd probably have gone with it .... but I let it go :unsure

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Re: Betfair 12 Plays of Christmas - Event 1 Team Reindeer At the 2nd break - Team PuntersLounge Christmas Turkeys still doing ok :ok GaF 4680 (63) Dave488 3189 (86) BurnleyJoe 2684 (94) Fenners 178th (88 pts) The other team are doing well - Chess (2), Phil (32) - what's GLCEUD username? :unsure

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