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End Of The Line


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Looks like I will be not be playing poker for a while. My play is absolutely dreadfull lately. I can't read anything or anybody, making stupid beginner mistakes and can't get my head round anything. Now I've gone out of Tikay's with 3c 3d and very short stacked. Got outdrawn with 8 4 I need to go and find myself again.

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Re: End Of The Line Gal Take a break and remember what's important in life - I've hardly played in the past few weeks and still don't feel like playing much. Just waiting for the bug to hit me again. Unfortunately for me my poker-free evenings have been spent working on a major change to the company I work for. I imagine that once that calms down and I get Christmas out the way then the bug will hit and I'll enjoy playing again. The break will do you good. Obviously a break from poker does not mean a break from PL.;)

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Re: End Of The Line :$ Lillelars, my brother was the one holding 84off :$ ...he says he was BB and had to call short stack... he is living with us at the moment and I will put him on the veggies as punishment!!:spank ANYWAY... a break from poker is always a good idea if things continue to go wrong. Enjoy spending a lot of time with your wife and kids in the cosy Christmas time :ok ... and give poker a miss... we'll still be here when you return :) You will be missed greatly... see you soon, sweetie ;) Love Pene

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Re: End Of The Line if you're not enjoying the game, then take a break. Don't worry about bad beats though, you were clear fav with your 3's. You got the money in when you were ahead, that's all any of us can ask for. After that it's in the lap of the gods. I played a tournement last night, and a girl at my table went all in preflop with AA, got called with K 3o, and lost to two pair. she did nothing wrong, and niether have you. Why not try a different stlye of poker, when I was down a few months back, I tried playing limit hold 'em instead, other thing to think about is doing some reading on game theory for while. Take your time, and rediscover your love of the game

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Re: End Of The Line Good Luck in whatever you decide Gal,,:ok If a break is required that then enjoy it , have a read up on different idea's for your game. I did notice tonight that you did not respond to any talking ,, not sure if you had chat off. or did not realise it was me.. Or you may have begin trying much much to hard on making a decision on the cards in front of you.. Kev :ok

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Re: End Of The Line I think pretty much all of us can understand what you are saying. The samr happened to me a couple of months ago. I realised that I wasn't paying enough attention to my game, making stupid errors, and losing money. I still wanted to be involved in the game, so my answer was to leave Texas alone, and learn to play Omaha HiLo. I played at the cent tables on Stars so my bankroll wasn't greatly affected. After a couple of weeks, the bug returned and i was back playing Texas. However, you get through it, mate, good luck!

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Re: End Of The Line.....For Now Hi All Thanks for all your kind words and good wishes. I just looked and realised it should have said "End of the line.........for now" I can't seem to get my game together at the moment and it's becoming very frustrating. I think I need to rip my game apart and go back to basics but a break first to sort a few personal home life things out as well wouldn't go a miss. I will still be railing when I can and maybe play a few freerolls aswell.

:$ Lillelars, my brother was the one holding 84off :$ ...he says he was BB and had to call short stack... he is living with us at the moment and I will put him on the veggies as punishment!!:spank
lol Pene, I wasn't moaning about Lars as I saw he couldn't even fold and I would have done the same ;) I was just trying to sum up how lady luck has been lately x
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