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tikay Tourney on Sporting Odds tonight!


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Re: tikay Tourney on Sporting Odds tonight!

out 53rd top pair qq against aa, same old sh*t, different day!!! then got loads of abuse off stb! dunno if u are pl mate, but thanks for ruining my tourney. no need for it.... i hope one of u guys wipes the floor with him...big time gl all still in dt
i know i was lucky but hope u liked that tish :nana :nana :nana :nana
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Re: tikay Tourney on Sporting Odds tonight! I'm out in 8th and pretty annoyed really. Went all in ($9000) in early position and Emporium showed no respect for the raise and called. I turned over Ten Ten and he showed Ace Three off suit. What did he think I had? Ace Two? Anyway he hit his ace on the river - good game but not happy at the call.

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Re: tikay Tourney on Sporting Odds tonight! :ok :ok :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap came 6th taxmonkeys qq busted my kk never mind still well chuffed :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap . It felt like a PL private table wtgo PL we are the best . Unlucky danny felt for u mate i should of called as well had pocket 2,s would of hit trips but i shown some respect.:ok

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Re: tikay Tourney on Sporting Odds tonight! Well done Jones good game mate, really enjoyed it till the final few hands and to Angel69 who came 7th -at one time she was down to 500 chips!! :clap :loon

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Re: tikay Tourney on Sporting Odds tonight!

While Posting, a big thank you from me to all of Team Sporting Odd who gathered at Walsall this weekend. They gave me a weekend to remember, every one of them. Thank you! PS - Dan-Dan, let me tell you, is some super-cool Lady! :notworthy
Just saw this, shucks Tikay I'm blushing.:$ Top bloke yourself.:notworthy Didn't help me get any decent cards tonight though. ;) Had a fantastic weekend and you and everyone else made us very welcome, here's to many more meet ups, maybe the next one I'll be playing in. Ed will post his rundown tomorrow of how he did I'm sure.
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Re: tikay Tourney on Sporting Odds tonight! :nana :nana Got 2nd - $178 (plus, I think another $200 to follow) ...... Danny you'll be happy to know I showed Emporium no respect either and called his 22 all in with KT - despite a 2 on the flop I ended up with str8 to A ... hehehe Had some luck at the end and was happy with 2nd having started fial table in 10th, then went bit rash on final hand - all in with A2 versus QQ knowing the other guy Saffron was fairly solid - ah well. Thanks for various bits of support at the end.

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Re: tikay Tourney on Sporting Odds tonight! Well played all on the FT :clap:clap:clap:clap Sorry about the bad beat Jones123456789 :tongue2

Had some luck at the end and was happy with 2nd having started fial table in 10th, then went bit rash on final hand - all in with A2 versus QQ knowing the other guy Saffron was fairly solid - ah well.
Dunno about that m8 he took me out calling my AQ all in with A2:@
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Re: tikay Tourney on Sporting Odds tonight!

When am I getting my amazing 2% share of the extra $1000 added then? Anyone any ideas? Its only $20 but still rather have it than not!
If you don't get it today, I'd say drop SO (not Boss Response) a line and I'm sure they'll sort you :ok Well done on getting in the money :clap :clap :clap
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Re: tikay Tourney on Sporting Odds tonight! The Added Money (the $1,000) and the Bounty ($100) have both been paid this morning. Apologies it ws not included in the Prize Pool last night - just one of those things. Onwards & upwards......

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