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Betfair Poker Player Christmas Special


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Re: Betfair Poker Player Christmas Special

9 sit outs on mine for first 15 minutes. Then 1 player and kicked him out. Again just me for 10 minutes then 2 of us for two hands. And again 2 up till break :puke.Joke.
Only 9 on each table mate ;) Bounties listed here and on P 67 of the mag - http://www.pokerplayermagazine.co.uk/pokerlife/tournamentlistings/1681/in_association_with_betfair_poker.html
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Re: Betfair Poker Player Christmas Special Taugh going, but... Still hanging there. Have to mention two hands. 1st, I actually took an advise from last month IE. " sometimes its worth raising UTG with suited connectors". I did it with 56c (400/800) just x2. Two callers flop 9 7c 6. Bet around 3k, one folds another one raised to 6k and I called. Comes 5 on the turn. Not the best, but strong enough. Guy goes all in and I call. River x and he shows K9 :D. 2nd, UTG with QQ I raised x3 to 6k. One all in for 40k and another the same for 40k. Taugh call, but I did. QQ JJ 99. 9 on the flop but caught a flush on the river. :hope

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