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Bankroll for no-limit


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I've been playing no-limit cash for around a month now, and found i was pretty successful - making 8 big bets per 100 hands at the level of $0.10/$0.25 - played over a thousand hands. I've now moved up to $0.25/$0.50, and started that with a bankroll of around $300 - now up to $380. Is there a general rule of thumb as to how many big blinds you should have before thinking about changing levels. I was thinking of trying to reach $600 before going up to $0.50/$1 - is this realistic??

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Re: Bankroll for no-limit Well done mate :ok (though 1000 hands is a pretty small sample!!) I think the general idea is to buy in for a maximum of 5% of your bankroll. What do you sit down with? 100x BB? In that case, your Bankroll should not fall below 2000x BB - I would say therefore you need to get to $2000 before moving up!! (indeed with a bankroll below $500 you shouldn't even be on $0.10/$0.25). I think the 5% is pretty adventurous too!!!!

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Re: Bankroll for no-limit Cheers GaF, I know 1000 hands is a pretty small sample - but just from the feel of the game, and seeing the standard (and some of the mistakes!!) I am confident in myself that I was good enough for that level (with 3 years experience of playing mainly no-limit tournies). And I started to feel that I was wasting time a bit playing at that level. I am actually buying in at the minimum amount (40 x BB), it seems to work for me - so I'm guessing using the 5% rule, I should have had $400 before starting at the $0.25/$0.50 level - and be looking at $800 before moving up to $0.50/$1. I'm guessing that the buy-in rules should be more strictly applied the higher you move up - so 5% of my bankroll would possibly work at lower levels - but at higher levels ($1/$2 - $5/$10) I would be more looking at 2% or 3%. I am already wishing that I'd given the cash game a go earlier (only started playing it because we had a baby - and have trouble commiting myself to tournies), and it's given my poker a new lease of life. I love it!!!! (And I'm clearing bonus's!!!) And Pokertracker is gooooooood :clap

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Re: Bankroll for no-limit Agree that if you allways buy in for 40xBB then you can stretch your bankroll to 800 BB :ok The key (according to Chris Jesus Fergusson - I presume you've listened to his Podcast on this?) is being able to move DOWN a level if you need to .... so if you go over 800x BB you can move up, but as soon as you fall below 800 BB you have to have the discipline to move back down.....

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Re: Bankroll for no-limit Thanks for that GaF - I've never thought about the moving down scenario (I guess we always think we're always going to be improving - but the standard of play is also improving as we move up levels). Moving down will also negate any "risk of ruin" I presume.

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Re: Bankroll for no-limit To be honest - moving down isn't so much about the standard of play - it's so that you can withstand the variance involved in the game - you must do it whoever you are and however good you are - If you listen to Chris Fergussons Podcast, he had to move down quite a few times - and that wasn't because he isn't good enough!!! Poker has variance - for everyone - it's a fact of the game and it is only having an edge over the long run that will make us profitable .... bankroll management is just about making sure you last into the long run before you go bust..... In theory, playing a percentage of your bankroll will eventually find you playing at a skill level where you break even!!! That's not what you want either!! You want to be playing against worse players, so when you do find this level, if you want to make money (rather than breaking even) you will need to be playing below this level.....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Bankroll for no-limit I know that it is sometimes tempting to buyin for the lowest amount but you should allso remember that it wil allso limit you to winning the lowest amount if you get one off the days good hands before you have wonn the rest.This will actually mean that you will not winn as much as you can. So for your own sake wait till you have the amount to allways sit with full buyinn.

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Re: Bankroll for no-limit i've been playing the $0.10/$0.25 nl 6 handeds on party for the last few days(made my deposit of £16 back in one session and cashed it out before proceeding). and now i'm 700 hands in, winning 37bb/100 hands. again small sample. but i dont intend on moving up until i have an established bankroll of $1500 (atm my recorded bankroll is roughly $950(recorded because i've had to use it to buy food, because my loan hasnt come through yet, but when it does i'll replenish my roll back to its original state) my advice is to stick to what you're good at, if you can dominate the level you're playing, then make sure you have the bankroll to play the level above. because the game can change completely as you advance (see mole's threads)

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Re: Bankroll for no-limit

i've been playing the $0.10/$0.25 nl 6 handeds on party for the last few days(made my deposit of £16 back in one session and cashed it out before proceeding). and now i'm 700 hands in, winning 37bb/100 hands. again small sample. but i dont intend on moving up until i have an established bankroll of $1500 (atm my recorded bankroll is roughly $950(recorded because i've had to use it to buy food, because my loan hasnt come through yet, but when it does i'll replenish my roll back to its original state) To me this sound scaring,you are hopefully not trying to go pro with a bankroll like this.When there is talk about bankroll 20xbuyin it is for a hobby player. For a pro the minimun should be something like 3months bills and living expencess+i think they say 100xbuyin so you can stand to have a bad run.
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Re: Bankroll for no-limit

Agree that if you allways buy in for 40xBB then you can stretch your bankroll to 800 BB :ok The key (according to Chris Jesus Fergusson - I presume you've listened to his Podcast on this?) is being able to move DOWN a level if you need to .... so if you go over 800x BB you can move up, but as soon as you fall below 800 BB you have to have the discipline to move back down.....
Anybody know where I can hear this podcast without seeming stupid? I've had a browse around Fulltilt and can't access it. Thanks Danny
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Re: Bankroll for no-limit Thanks mate, no reason to think this sort of thing can't be done STT/MTT method either. One thing though, if you started out with $110, your first game would be $5+50c ok? but if you lost this, taking the bank to $104.50, would you then go down to the next level immediately ($3+30c) or only go down if the bankroll hit $66?

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