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Tonights BTP Cash Game


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Just finished - up $15.96 at the end :-)) My cash game is quite weak - which is the reason I played this ..... looking for a cheap lesson. Any views on what people would have done differently with my cards appreciated. :ok I didn't get that involved - key person on the table (from my perspective) was probably 78ontilt - a bit of a maniac it seems and I was very conscious/wary of him (and not giving him too many opportunities to check raise - he got me once early and that cut me back) Cheers Wurzel and Mick for your support :ok

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Re: Tonights BTP Cash Game Any feedback? Is difficult - the presenters seemed "distracted" every time I got involved. My second biggest win....

** Game ID 1045682389 starting - 2006-11-20 22:20:59 ** Poker333 TV 2 [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Telepe sitting in seat 1 with $84.80 - US_Marshall sitting in seat 2 with $39.62 [Dealer] - ethans-pop sitting in seat 3 with $45.30 - PUFCBoy sitting in seat 4 with $39.83 - Yenool sitting in seat 5 with $55.25 - lostmonkey sitting in seat 6 with $61.31 - PNL_BTP sitting in seat 7 with $83.05 - 78ONTILT sitting in seat 8 with $108.60 ethans-pop posted the small blind - $0.50 PUFCBoy posted the big blind - $1.00 ** Dealing card to Telepe: 10 of Diamonds, Jack of Diamonds Yenool folded lostmonkey folded PNL_BTP folded 78ONTILT called - $1.00 Telepe raised - $4.00 US_Marshall folded ethans-pop folded PUFCBoy folded 78ONTILT called - $4.00 ** Dealing the flop: 3 of Diamonds, King of Spades, Ace of Diamonds 78ONTILT checked Telepe bet - $4.52 78ONTILT raised - $13.56 Telepe raised - $24.52 78ONTILT folded Telepe mucks: 10 of Diamonds, Jack of Diamonds Telepe mucks: Telepe wins $45.78 from the main pot End of game 1045682389
But perhaps the most interesting hand ........ His post flop bet ($20 into a $13 pot) paralysed me!!!! I had no idea where I was, and was too worried to ask the question......
** Game ID 1045743037 starting - 2006-11-20 22:50:08 ** Poker333 TV 2 [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Telepe sitting in seat 1 with $99.06 - CareyStreet sitting in seat 2 with $38.07 - ethans-pop sitting in seat 3 with $58.15 [Dealer] - PUFCBoy sitting in seat 4 with $73.17 - flange sitting in seat 5 with $37.50 - lamornababe sitting in seat 6 with $89.38 - PNL_BTP sitting in seat 7 with $114.54 - 78ONTILT sitting in seat 8 with $109.33 PUFCBoy posted the small blind - $0.50 flange posted the big blind - $1.00 ** Dealing card to Telepe: Queen of Clubs, King of Diamonds lamornababe folded PNL_BTP folded 78ONTILT called - $1.00 Telepe raised - $4.00 CareyStreet folded ethans-pop called - $4.00 PUFCBoy folded flange folded 78ONTILT called - $4.00 ** Dealing the flop: King of Spades, 2 of Spades, 2 of Clubs 78ONTILT bet - $20.00 Telepe called - $20.00 ethans-pop folded ** Dealing the turn: 10 of Clubs 78ONTILT checked Telepe checked ** Dealing the river: 7 of Hearts 78ONTILT checked Telepe checked 78ONTILT shows: 3 of Spades, 3 of Diamonds Telepe shows: Queen of Clubs, King of Diamonds Telepe wins $50.85 from the main pot End of game 1045743037
My biggest loss ($6.05)
** Game ID 1045673586 starting - 2006-11-20 22:18:24 ** Poker333 TV 2 [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Telepe sitting in seat 1 with $87.85 - US_Marshall sitting in seat 2 with $41.12 - ethans-pop sitting in seat 3 with $23.85 - PUFCBoy sitting in seat 4 with $65.68 - Yenool sitting in seat 5 with $57.25 - lostmonkey sitting in seat 6 with $51.56 [Dealer] - PNL_BTP sitting in seat 7 with $83.05 - 78ONTILT sitting in seat 8 with $110.60 PNL_BTP posted the small blind - $0.50 78ONTILT posted the big blind - $1.00 ** Dealing card to Telepe: 9 of Clubs, 9 of Spades Telepe called - $1.00 US_Marshall folded ethans-pop folded PUFCBoy called - $1.00 Yenool called - $1.00 lostmonkey called - $1.00 PNL_BTP folded 78ONTILT checked ** Dealing the flop: 3 of Clubs, 6 of Hearts, Jack of Spades 78ONTILT checked Telepe checked PUFCBoy checked Yenool checked lostmonkey bet - $1.00 78ONTILT folded Telepe called - $1.00 PUFCBoy folded Yenool called - $1.00 ** Dealing the turn: 2 of Spades Telepe bet - $4.05 Yenool folded lostmonkey raised - $12.15 Telepe folded lostmonkey mucks: lostmonkey wins $23.90 from the main pot End of game 1045673586
and almost as much ($6)
** Game ID 1045665772 starting - 2006-11-20 22:14:19 ** Poker333 TV 2 [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Telepe sitting in seat 1 with $97.00 - US_Marshall sitting in seat 2 with $27.62 - ethans-pop sitting in seat 3 with $27.00 [Dealer] - PUFCBoy sitting in seat 4 with $65.68 - Yenool sitting in seat 5 with $46.50 - lostmonkey sitting in seat 6 with $53.06 - PNL_BTP sitting in seat 7 with $101.50 - 78ONTILT sitting in seat 8 with $104.30 PUFCBoy posted the small blind - $0.50 Yenool posted the big blind - $1.00 ** Dealing card to Telepe: 8 of Hearts, 8 of Diamonds lostmonkey folded PNL_BTP raised - $6.00 78ONTILT folded Telepe called - $6.00 US_Marshall went all-in - $27.62 ethans-pop folded PUFCBoy folded Yenool folded PNL_BTP folded Telepe folded US_Marshall mucks: US_Marshall wins $41.12 from the main pot End of game 1045665772
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Re: Tonights BTP Cash Game

But perhaps the most interesting hand ........ His post flop bet ($20 into a $13 pot) paralysed me!!!! I had no idea where I was, and was too worried to ask the question...... Quote: ** Game ID 1045743037 starting - 2006-11-20 22:50:08 ** Poker333 TV 2 [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Telepe sitting in seat 1 with $99.06 - CareyStreet sitting in seat 2 with $38.07 - ethans-pop sitting in seat 3 with $58.15 [Dealer] - PUFCBoy sitting in seat 4 with $73.17 - flange sitting in seat 5 with $37.50 - lamornababe sitting in seat 6 with $89.38 - PNL_BTP sitting in seat 7 with $114.54 - 78ONTILT sitting in seat 8 with $109.33 PUFCBoy posted the small blind - $0.50 flange posted the big blind - $1.00 ** Dealing card to Telepe: Queen of Clubs, King of Diamonds lamornababe folded PNL_BTP folded 78ONTILT called - $1.00 Telepe raised - $4.00 CareyStreet folded ethans-pop called - $4.00 PUFCBoy folded flange folded 78ONTILT called - $4.00 ** Dealing the flop: King of Spades, 2 of Spades, 2 of Clubs 78ONTILT bet - $20.00 Telepe called - $20.00 ethans-pop folded ** Dealing the turn: 10 of Clubs 78ONTILT checked Telepe checked ** Dealing the river: 7 of Hearts 78ONTILT checked Telepe checked 78ONTILT shows: 3 of Spades, 3 of Diamonds Telepe shows: Queen of Clubs, King of Diamonds Telepe wins $50.85 from the main pot End of game 1045743037
I admit I too would have been worried I was behind post flop, but I think you had to bet out the turn as he checked. I think you were both wary of each others holdings but by giving him 2 free cards I can almost guarantee he'd have represented the flush had a third spade appeared. You wouldn't have worried like that in a tourney, and I think you would have kept probing in order to take the pot. Nice win all the same though. :ok
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Re: Tonights BTP Cash Game Cheers all - appreciate your comments :ok

Apart from the 67off? hand late on that you shouldn't have played a little more aggression is all you need for your cash game.
Looking through Poker Tracker, I wasn't dealt 76o at all :unsure Nearest I can find is 87o - is that the hand you meant?
** Game ID 1045728648 starting - 2006-11-20 22:42:35 ** Poker333 TV 2 [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Telepe sitting in seat 1 with $99.56 [Dealer] - CareyStreet sitting in seat 2 with $18.56 - ethans-pop sitting in seat 3 with $61.15 - PUFCBoy sitting in seat 4 with $69.97 - lamornababe sitting in seat 6 with $93.78 - PNL_BTP sitting in seat 7 with $145.54 - 78ONTILT sitting in seat 8 with $94.34 CareyStreet posted the small blind - $0.50 ethans-pop posted the big blind - $1.00 ** Dealing card to Telepe: 7 of Hearts, 8 of Clubs PUFCBoy folded lamornababe folded PNL_BTP folded 78ONTILT folded Telepe raised - $4.00 CareyStreet folded ethans-pop folded Telepe mucks: Telepe wins $5.50 from the main pot End of game 1045728648
Very (too) aggressive I agree - was playing position (button) rather than the cards..... I'm interested that you thought I wasn't aggressive enough - I felt I was too aggressive!! Do you have any specific examples? (Difficult I know 24 hours later). Looking at Poker Tracker aggression factors for this session it seems ok...... 78ONTILT - Infinite Carey 0.33 ethans-pop 1.0 flange 0.0 lamornababe 3.0 lostmonkey Infinite PNL_BTP 0.8 PUFCBoy 0.83 Telepe 2.0 US_Marshall 5.5 Yenool 4.0 Now if you add in the Profit/Loss - the maniacs/overaggressive players lost and their way of playing doesn't look the way to go (yes- it's a very small sample). 78ONTILT - Infinite (-16.22 BB/100) Carey 0.33 (+80.75 BB/100) ethans-pop 1.0 (+25.16 BB/100) flange 0.0 (-45 BB/100) lamornababe 3.0 (-12.86 BB/100) lostmonkey Infinite (-78.35 BB/100) PNL_BTP 0.8 (+18.38 BB/100) PUFCBoy 0.83 (+26.74 BB/100) Telepe 2.0 (+26.99 BB/100) US_Marshall 5.5 (-78.79 BB/100) Yenool 4.0 (-41.00 BB/100) 5 players were more aggressive than me - and they ALL lost!! I was the most aggressive player to win....
think you've posted the same hand twice GaF?
Ta mate - will fix :ok
I admit I too would have been worried I was behind post flop, but I think you had to bet out the turn as he checked.
I think his check had me even more worried!!!! He was a Maniac and a maniac who checks gets me REALLY worried - even more so than a maniac who overbets the pot!!! I was in Check/Call mode (yes I know PASSIVE = not good) - I really believed that there was every chance I was beat and wanted to get a showdown as cheaply as possible!! Fortunately he obliged!!
You wouldn't have worried like that in a tourney' date=' and I think you would have kept probing in order to take the pot.[/quote'] No you're right - I was playing out of my comfort zone - I don't think I was ready to risk my entire stack on that Pot as it was $100!!! Whereas in a $5 tourney I'd probably have gone for it..... But as you know, the result doesn't justify the action (positive or negative!!) - I (we!!) need to be seeking the right decision, not the right result ;)
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Re: Tonights BTP Cash Game IMO GaF your play was pretty impressive especially, I thought with the players on the table (78-on-TILT especially). Button/positional play was good and aggressive. The pair of Kings on a paired board is tough... you should raise on the turn or even when he bet on the flop. On the turn, as you say, when a maniac checks it can leave you feeling unsure as to whether your ahead or not. A small bet and he would have re-raised for sure so bet size would be important. He probably checked hoping for a weak bet so he could re-raise or maybe he would have re-raised you anyway. He is a nutter... but as he didn't know your playing style he may folded. I find that in cash games the player is definately more important than the cards, more so than a tournament... so considering who was at the table and the fact you felt you were playing in chartered waters, very good mate! :ok

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