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Can I play you every week??


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Here is a hand from a $10 buy in table on Mansion. I had built a table image of fairly tight, and had won several hands at showdown. Each time, everyone could see that I didn't raise pre-flop with junk. Then this happened: HAND HISTORY DETAILS ***** Hand History for Game 14457276 ***** Buy in Table 35899 Hand start time: 2006-11-19 17:05:40 Seat 8 is the button Total number of players: 9 Seat 1: Miihkali(9.65) Seat 2: tokenjoke420(6.38) Seat 3: coslim(6.85) Seat 4: happyhornet(13.55) Seat 5: elysium246(5.70) Seat 6: VALARO(5.50) Seat 7: mmpeaceman(6.65) Seat 8: Eurohunter(11.60) Seat 9: ladygotubeat(1.80) Current Number of Players: 27 ladygotubeat start position: 1.80 Eurohunter start position: 11.60 mmpeaceman start position: 6.65 VALARO start position: 5.50 elysium246 start position: 5.70 happyhornet start position: 13.55 coslim start position: 6.85 tokenjoke420 start position: 6.38 Miihkali start position: 9.65 ladygotubeat posts small blind (0.05) Miihkali posts big blind (0.10) happyhornet is dealt down [Ac As] tokenjoke420 folds coslim calls (0.10) happyhornet raises to (0.40) elysium246 folds VALARO folds mmpeaceman folds Eurohunter folds ladygotubeat raises to (1.40) Miihkali folds coslim folds happyhornet raises to (2.40) ladygotubeat calls (1.80) and is all-in happyhornet is refunded (0.60) flop: [5h 3d Ah] turn: [Qc] river: [8c] happyhornet shows [Ac As] for three of a kind, aces ladygotubeat shows [Th Ad] for a pair of aces happyhornet wins (3.65) I'm not a great player by any stretch, but why would you re-raise a solid player with A10 off?? My hand held up, but would any of you have done the same in her position?

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Re: Can I play you every week?? Would definitely not reraise soliday player or not. I'd actually be tempted to muck the hand, but judging by what she had left, she was pot committed after the reraise. It's easy enough to put you on a big ace or a pocket pair with your raise if you're playing solid. I can understand if she'd called the raise, but yeah, it's the type of played you want to play all the time. Happy days.

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Re: Can I play you every week?? I would say that even though you think you have a tight table image, how many players are actually paying attention? Been thinking a lot about this - and I don't think too many folks do pay attention to tight players - they notice LAAG wombles but not TAG's and so even though you are raising with goos cards you still get called and out drawn I can't fault the shove after the reriase - small cash stack, chance to double etc and one that I would probably do hoping to hit (even if I had been paying attention!) Quick question, how many of you keep notes on players, and also update them? Damo

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