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split screen help?


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Re: split screen help? If a poker room is not resizable, then there is noting you can do really except position them on the screen as you want...... Possible solutions - a bigger screen so that there is less overlap? (or maybe just change the resolution on your existing screen, so you can fit more on each page? Downside - everything will be smaller). What graphics card have you got? Maybe if you get hold of a second monitor you can play on dual monitors? (I did that - my PC was already set up for it and I had an old unused monitor to use - so I got a multiple monitors set up for zero additional cost)

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Re: split screen help? Of course, other solution is to choose rooms that support this - The new Betfair and PartyPoker are the two I can think of off the top of my head. The Prima mini modes are also very good for multi tabling..... I think Pacific allows for resizable tables too.....

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