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Jamie Gold documents


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Apparently these are the documents that have been filed in court by Jamie Gold - http://wickedchopspoker.blogs.com/GoldMotion.pdf Reading the thread on Hendon Mob Forum (haven't read the documents yet) - it looks like the verdict is due on 27th November and it looks like an expectation for Gold to win..... The crux of the case seems to be - was there a contaract between the parties involved. In order for a contract to exist, there must be "consideration" by both sides (same in UK and US apparently) - that's why things arent given away, but sold for a penny or something...... the argument seems to be that Gold had no consideration (i.e. he was to receive no benefit from this contract) so there was no contract. (actually I'm not certain this is how it's looking - just what I've picked up from skimming the thread)

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Re: Jamie Gold documents Personaly I think he's a tosser and not a patch on Dannenmann who was more than pleased to give away 50% of his $4.25m to a friend who staked him 50% of his seat as agreed upfront...I've seen Gold on TV and he looks like a shifty git too lol. Just something about him that doesnt sit right with me.. Contender for the 2007 deadpool for me :lol Football Tipper

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Re: Jamie Gold documents Well his contract was with bodog and this made no mention of requiring "two celebs". He was supposedly getting the seat paid for anyway by bodog, so his "contract" with this other guy didnt add the benefit of the seat (according to Golds lawyers). Indeed his contract with bodog excluded the possibility of forming further contracts with others..... The phone message apparently wasn't quite that explicit and said something along the lines of "don't worry - I'll look after you"...... I still haven't had a chance to look at these docs though, so cannot be certain of the accuracy of my comments (it's somewhat second hand after a quick skim of other posts)

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Re: Jamie Gold documents I know I've only seen Gold's documents, but after reading it, I don't like the sound of Leyser at all. Seems like a bit of 'fibbing' went on with the celebs he claimed he could get. No where in the contract with Bodog did it mention getting celebs to wear Bodog Merchandise and I don't see that it specifically says he'll give him 50%, he just says "he'll sort him out". I've got to go with Gold on this one. He may not be my favourite person in the world, but I personally find his side of the story much more believable than Leyser's. Leyser seemed to hound him and that I find immediately offputting. Going to be interesting to find out what happens. Again, personally, I believe they'll find in Golds favour. Lets make sure that when we all go to the WSOP next year, that we don't make any dodgy "split it half and half" deals with strangers.... lol.

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Re: Jamie Gold documents See what you say JarJar - but I wonder what our view would be if we heard Leyser's lawyers version of events....... Unfortunately, lawyers dont seem capable of "balanced truth" ..... and can make the most ridiculous of claims sound plausible......

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Re: Jamie Gold documents

I would say they would be asked for evidence on what was said about putting up Golds seat
OK, misunderstood what you were saying. When you talked about "counter claims" I wondered for a minute if you thought Bodog were one of the parties in the lawsuit.
See what you say JarJar - but I wonder what our view would be if we heard Leyser's lawyers version of events....... Unfortunately, lawyers dont seem capable of "balanced truth" ..... and can make the most ridiculous of claims sound plausible......
To be fair, though they should tell the truth, it's not their job to be balanced. That's why both sides have a lawyer. :tongue2 Yes, it's very hard to draw conclusions having seen only one side of the case. But I agree with jarjaruk, there are enough claims in those documents that could easily be proved false if they weren't true that I do think Leyser sounds like a nasty piece of work. Which is not to say Gold shouldn't have given him some money. Sure, I might change my mind when I hear more, but enough people have been judging Gold over the last few months while it was only Leyser's side of the story that was being heard that I won't feel too guilty about letting Gold have a turn.
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Re: Jamie Gold documents All a load of bollox, me and Fenners had an agreement that if one of us made the money we would pay for the other to stay and whatever we won we would split. We would have had none of this crap, after day one it was looking good, but then got knocked out! But then again we won jack shit and i watched porn on the TV and fenners paid for it!!!!!

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Re: Jamie Gold documents

See what you say JarJar - but I wonder what our view would be if we heard Leyser's lawyers version of events....... Unfortunately, lawyers dont seem capable of "balanced truth" ..... and can make the most ridiculous of claims sound plausible......
Very true, they don't. But I can well imagine that as soon as there was a sniff of Gold winning any cash at all, that he would have been hassling Gold to death and making sure as many people as possible knew about the 'conversation'. I can't help it i'm afraid. I didn't like him before and I still don't like him. Just my opinion though. And I would still be interested to read Leysers lawyers documents.
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