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Omaha Aggression


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Would appreciate thoughts on my Omaha play - I think I may be being too aggressive - especially pre flop - I suppose it comes from a fear of the game/lack of understanding and not wanting to play the flop......Do you feel this level of aggression is too dangerous for me? titan1ht2.jpgtitan2op9.jpgtitan3py3.jpgtitan4ij5.jpg

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Re: Omaha Aggression Yes, it's a very dangerous game to over play the AA preflop. Mind you, looking at these examples, you had added strengths with solid flush draws and straight possibilities as well, so the aggression here is fair enough. But there are lots of people who will play similarly with AA and two other totally unconnected cards. I am a great believer in seeing the flop as cheeply as possible in Omaha, but given AA, with good connecting cards as well, I would become aggressive if somebody else raised the pot. Of course your aim with high aggression preflop is to thin the field down to those with KK or maybe QQ, or some nutter with 6789...your AA is going to be in front preflop, but Omaha is a funny old game and you can be tragically left with egg on your face when you get bugger all help from the board. In both of the bottom two examples above, if you had checked/called preflop, the board was telling you to be very wary and you could well have got away from each hand with a lot more chips than you did. I will be interested in the replies to come, just to see what others think of full on aggression preflop in Omaha...it's just not my cup of tea that's all.

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