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Misread Omaha Hand


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Just totally missed the str8 in my hand so didn't bet it - I had the nut low but thought I had no high and was in danger of being quartered :sad -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #456565423 at table: Table OH 36 Started: Tue Nov 07 22:23:44 2006 Yamato is at seat 1 with 35.09 elastolin1 is at seat 2 with 19.00 bukowsky69 is at seat 3 with 30.15 rovinge1 is at seat 4 with 50.60 yatzy11 is at seat 5 with 48.00 Rambutan is at seat 6 with 33.29 Telepe is at seat 7 with 52.05 Elicitor1 is at seat 8 with 66.75 gps709 is at seat 10 with 38.45 elastolin1 posts the large blind 0.50 Yamato posts the small blind 0.25 Yamato: --, --, --, -- elastolin1: --, --, --, -- bukowsky69: --, --, --, -- rovinge1: --, --, --, -- yatzy11: --, --, --, -- Rambutan: --, --, --, -- Telepe: Ad, 6d, 2d, 9c Elicitor1: --, --, --, -- gps709: --, --, --, -- Pre-flop: bukowsky69: Fold rovinge1: Fold yatzy11: Fold Rambutan: Fold Telepe: Raise 1.75 Elicitor1: Fold gps709: Call 1.75 Yamato: Fold elastolin1: Call 1.75 Flop (Board: 5c, Jh, 8d): elastolin1: Check Telepe: Check gps709: Bet 2.00 elastolin1: Fold Telepe: Call 2.00 Turn (Board: 5c, Jh, 8d, 7d): Telepe: Bet 4.50 gps709: Call 4.50 River (Board: 5c, Jh, 8d, 7d, Jc): Telepe: Check gps709: Bet 4.50 Telepe: Call 4.50 Showdown: gps709 shows: 3c, Js, Ac, Ks (three of a kind, Jacks) gps709 shows: 3c, Js, Ac, Ks (8,7,5,3,A for low.) Telepe shows: Ad, 6d, 2d, 9c (straight to the Nine) Telepe shows: Ad, 6d, 2d, 9c (8,7,5,2,A for low.) Mainpot: Telepe wins the pot of 13.07 with straight to the Nine Mainpot: Telepe wins the low hand pot of 13.07 with 8,7,5,2,A (1.35 rake were taken for this hand)

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