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Midlands Masters


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Re: Midlands Masters Getting pretty excited about this now and really looking forward to it. Only had a few live games in my whole life, good blind structure though should suit my game and give me plenty time to relax/settle in to the game. Any advice or general tips from anyone who's played similar events would be greatly appreciated. Been practicing for six weeks now, put on a stone in weight and cleaned out the local off-sales Stella supplies. :loon :rollin :rollin :rollin Anyway, before I go, I intend to enjoy the experience and hopefully can put on a good show for SportingOdds and PL.:ok :cheers

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Re: Midlands Masters would just like to say good luck to uncle-ed and any other pl who has qualified:hope :hope you can do this ed,play your game like you did to qualify and you will have no probs at all mate,enjoy and take it down:dude :dude p.s. don`t get too pissed is my only advice p.p.s. nah sod that get wrecked

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Re: Midlands Masters I'm pretty sure that if you play the game that got you there and don't let the occasion get to you, then any of you three stand a bloody good chance of cashing in. Good luck and if Sam is well enough to be left alone I'll be there. If not I expect updates. :hope :ok

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Re: Midlands Masters

Getting pretty excited about this now and really looking forward to it. Only had a few live games in my whole life, good blind structure though should suit my game and give me plenty time to relax/settle in to the game. Any advice or general tips from anyone who's played similar events would be greatly appreciated. :cheers
Something I have thought long and hard about since my CL win. Its a totally different game when you start of with 400/500 big blinds with hour levels. I would suggest calling with just about any 2 cards in late position if no raise and making up the small blind also if no raise. Appart from that premium hands only and in early position be very very careful. Best of luck to the lot of you:hope
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Guest gazza271

Re: Midlands Masters

I'm following updates from another forum. I'm pretty sure ed is out. I have no idea about tqm or the mole as yet.
keep us updated mate :ok
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Re: Midlands Masters

I'm following updates from another forum. I'm pretty sure ed is out. I have no idea about tqm or the mole as yet.
All 3 went out before COP last night :sad They were all looking pretty glum in the small hours of this morning - except for Mole who went on to fleece the pro's on the cash tables
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Re: Midlands Masters Back to work with my liver in tatters!!! Here's a very brief summary of my weekend including my 1st Live Game! :loon Arrived at hotel on Friday night around 9pm - dumped cases and met Dan Dan and Ed in bar for a few drinks! The Mole didn't join us till after 11pm but the couple of hours in his company were enough to tell me that he's as mad as a hatter!!:lol Saturday started at lunchtime in a restaurant called the 'Boathouse' in Sutton Coldfield - the Scottish lads had a few pints to ensure there were no nerves later on. Had a bit of a chat with Tikay on what to expect at night! We returned to the hotel at 4pm to find Mr & Mrs Red_Fear in the bar so naturally we joined them. On to the Casino and the game - sat down at table and immediately sobered up. The game started at 6.30pm with 6,500 chips each with a further 6,500 available at anytime within the first 3 hours. I tried to play my usual game and found that it worked okay - by the time I was moved to another table (around 11.30pm) I had not had a showdown and had not shown any cards - I made a couple of nice re-raises with rubbish too! I was then moved to another table where one chap had a fair pile of chips - I was sitting on 22,000 when I had AJ on the BB (200/400) with the chip leader trying to limp in, so I raised to 3,000 and he called. Flop was 5 8 J rainbow so I bet the pot and the big stack went all-in - I was convinced I was ahead and called only for him to turn over 5 8 unsuited!! (not sure if he was Hungarian) :@ That was the end of my tourney - not a nice feeling to lose the way I did. (83rd place I think) Sunday was spent at another restaurant in Sutton Coldfield and then a session in the Hotel Bar. :beer Big thanks to Joe Legge & Sarah for looking after us so well. :ok Tikay, Mark, Dan, Diane, Ed, Susan and Mad Mole - hopefully our paths will cross again in the future!:ok TQM

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Re: Midlands Masters

Back to work with my liver in tatters!!!
I'm not back at work until tomorrow so an extra day to recover, think my liver is probably beyond repair though.:loon My first hand in the comp was KQ clubs, christ I thought, didn't want any playable hands for at least the first hour.;) So, called a very small raise and had a look at the flop, nothing at all for me, another bet and I bowed out. Third hand was QQ, oh bloody hell!! Bet 3x the BBand had a couple of callers, flop brought a K and an A so that was the end of that. So, played a reasonable amount of hands in the next 5 hours or so, even had the luxury of pocket Aces at one point where I ended up all in against 88 and luckily they held out. At my high point though I was only holding just over 20k in chips so never had a chance to try some bullying. Anyway, the wee small hours had arrived and I was feeling confident and basically just waiting for the cards. I'm on the big blind, J9 off, nothing doing until Lucy Rokach in late ish position, she chucks in 4x my blind, I thought for a bit and had a good feeling about it, coupled with the fact I convinced myself she was stealing, so I put in the extra 1.8k to call, flop 9J6, oh yess I thought to myself, Lucy throws in a pot sized bet and I decide it's time to take a stand, all in and Lucy calls, now at this stage I'm thinking maybe AJ so still got her covered. WRONG, she turns over her pocket 6's to my disgust, turn river no good and out I go.:sad Was a tremendous experience which I thoroughly enjoyed, never at any point did I feel intimidated. Finished 63rd so pretty much in the middle, considering it was my first big event I'm fairly happy with how it went.:) Just to echo the thanks to Joe and the gang, brilliant bunch of people. All the people who made the effort to come along, Brian, Diane, Andy, Sam, Big Andy.:notworthy
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Re: Midlands Masters My liver is an absolute shambles anyway so the weekend just took me another step towards the grim chap. fantastic weekend with a good few laughs and lessons Moving on to my game i had a great table with ash hussain, the chuckle brothers and the guy from KFC. i started very strong dominating the table with some cheeky banter and winning the first 5 hands built up a reasonably big stack early and left the table for a while to sit with joe and the WAGS. when i went back Ash asked me to stay away as he was now dominating ( we got on like a house on fire). i then won another few hands and left again for a rest found this strategy was working a treat and as i had a big stack i was trying to kill some time. back at the table i was still picking up good pots but was yet to see a big ace or any pair, i then lifted AJ and called a min raise from barry chuckles, the flop came AJ5 and i nipped around the table slapping my arse BC (barry chuckles) raised about the pot and i went over the top turn came out 7 he bet again and i went all in he called with AQ and to my horror Q came on the river this was a monster pot so it really was a bad one. shortly after to my dismay i got moved tables. at the new table it was a bit drab, tried to liven it up but no takers i think i had about 6k left at this point when i lifted AQd the flop came A 9d 7d i put a bet in and got one caller turn 2h again i bet about just over 1 k and he called river was 5d ( gave me the ace flush) and he went all in, heres where the shit hit the fan he turned 68d straight flush, couldnt believe my eyes. i was left with about 1200 chips so it was pick a hand time i then picked up 22 in early position and went all in got called by QQ and that was that. finished around about the 70ish mark and a little dissappointed but lessons learned and made a lot of new friends and contacts. i went back to the table where i met MCFC and his better half, he encouraged me to go and play in the cash game, so i felt it would be rude not to. sat down at £5/£5 table with £100 within 10 mins i had well over a grand, played for a couple of hours and left with a nice profit i would also like to say what the other 2 guys were saying Joe and Sarah were excellent hosts and treated us very well (bought my hat Joe) tikay - a gem as always drove me home at some ungodly hour both nights again i would just like to say tx dad valiant andy and Sam tx for making the effort it was great to meet you both, and again a good few laughs big Andy i enjoyed a good blether and a nice few wee dram with him, fantastic guy who was a pleasure to meet. the aberdeen posse Scott edie (oops Evie) and mr and mrs red fear, great people who im sure iwe will definatley meet again soon. as for all you who were there i thought i would let you know i did eventually lift the ban lol

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