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Gammon Night Live Freerolls at 16:30 and 17:30 Sunday 5th Nov


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Re: Gammon Night Live Freerolls at 16:30 and 17:30 Sunday 5th Nov I hate this software!!!!!!!!!! Two weeks in a row I've "lost" by being timed out. In my first match in the £250 I was 2-0 up (first to three) and well ahead in the next game. I threw a double and was being careful to give my opponent as little chance as possible to get a lucky shot, so I thought about it. It beeped at me, so I quickly made a decision, "undid" my partial move and made a reasonable move ... without hesitating about it ... and by the time I clicked to say I'd completed my move, I'd been timed out and the whole match was awarded to my opponent. What was your story exactly, GaF? I wasn't paying too much attention to what you wrote in chat, but your opponent's cheating aside, that sounds like a ridiculous way to decide a match!

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Re: Gammon Night Live Freerolls at 16:30 and 17:30 Sunday 5th Nov No - I HATE this software!!! 3 point match, I lost first game by 2 points. I won the crawford game and am 2-1 down. I immediately cubed first roll of the next game. So this game is the decider - it may as well be 2-2!!! I am demolishing him - I have about 88 pips and he has about 130 - it's mine. Except he disconnects and because he is leading 2-1 he is awarded the match (and progresses on to play slapdash!!) TO top it all - the next freeroll I had 2 byes, then my first game, it crashes on me first game!!!!! NOT IMPRESSED!!!

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Re: Gammon Night Live Freerolls at 16:30 and 17:30 Sunday 5th Nov

I may have got lucky and won, but would appreciate any feedback anyway - I know your games stronger than mine :-)
Despite the fact that you have a 100% record against me? Only things I can think of: There was one game where you were well ahead. You were bearing off when I had three men on the bar. You're almost certainly going to win a gammon unless I hit you. You used your throws to bear off, keeping four or five points in your home table. I think what you should do is try to get rid of me as quickly as possible ... use your low numbers to clear your high points (always trying to make sure a big throw like 6-5 or a big double won't force you to leave a blot ... so never have three men on your highest point, for example). By keeping me on the bar, you're just increasing the chance that if you do eventually have to leave a blot, I'll still have a man on the bar to hit it with. And in the game where I went into a back game (perfect score to do it: I was 4-2 up in a match to 5, and this was the Crawford game, so it's almost irrelevant whether I lose a single or double game), I think you improved my timing by hitting me too much. Back games are all about timing. I'll almost certainly get a shot at you at some point, and you'd rather I'd had to destroy my position by that time by moving men forward in my home table. If you hit me, it slows me down, which is exactly what I want.
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Re: Gammon Night Live Freerolls at 16:30 and 17:30 Sunday 5th Nov I'm struggling to recall the positions/situations to be honest...... On one of the games I was pushing for a backgammon - which might be the first situation where I was bearing off instead of clearing my back points..... Do you have FIBS? (a play money only site) If not want to get it? :tongue2 With that we can import the hand history into Gnu backgammon which makes playback possible.....

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Re: Gammon Night Live Freerolls at 16:30 and 17:30 Sunday 5th Nov

On one of the games I was pushing for a backgammon - which might be the first situation where I was bearing off instead of clearing my back points.....
I think that's probably the first hand I mentioned. Fair enough, but I think you had a fairly slim chance of a backgammon compared to the danger of letting me hit you and saving the gammon (or even winning if I was very lucky). But I might be wrong.
Do you have FIBS? (a play money only site) If not want to get it? :tongue2 With that we can import the hand history into Gnu backgammon which makes playback possible.....
I'll have a look.
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Re: Gammon Night Live Freerolls at 16:30 and 17:30 Sunday 5th Nov

What really pees me off about this software is the way you are never alerted to when your table is available bar by a small button. absolutely useless!.
Yeah, that's how I got knocked out without playing a match last week. It does beep at you, but I had the sound turned off and expected the table to open for me. Since I also didn't expect the second round to start until the first (in which I had a bye) was over, I didn't look until long after I'd been timed out.
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